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Fight Back! PG 13 Violence and Graphic possobilities. STARTED

Luna Lovegood

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Grale, you just got acepted. This RP has officially started.


IC (For the first time)

Luna exited the Room Of Requirment. She was going on a raid mission. She turned around and Owl called. Nevil quickly followed her. They ran down the corridor on Tip-Toes. Luna raised her wand. She traced Dumbledores Army: Still Recruiting on the wall. It appeared moments later in red.

"Nice one Luna" said Nevil.

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Zarmander: I hope you don't get cought.

Zarmander was always worried about getting cought. He was cool, but he was also smart so he wanted to stay in school. He was aiming to become a auror.

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Rokujo layed on the green grass, outside of the castle, where nobody was. Rokujo looked up at teh sky, and saw the sun fading away, and turning dark, and saw the moon appear. The moon, comapred to the sun, was lonely, where there was no clouds, burds, nothing in the sky with it.

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"So, what now?" asked Nevil.

"Now, we go back and go to Hogsmead. I think we should pay Zonco's a little visit." said Seamus Finnigan.

"I agree, we need Wackspurt repellent" said Luna.

Nevil sighed. Will Luna ever come down to earth?, he thought.



Everyone to join so far is in Grifindor (Pardon my spelling)

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Zarmander took out his quill and dipped it in ink. He was writing a letter to his parents. His mother and father were both magical. His dad worked in the department of mystaries and his mom played quiditch.

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Welche walked into the room.

Zarmander: Want to go to Hohsmead with me next time?

Welche: Sure, we could hang out at "The Three Broomsticks".

Zarmander: See you then.

Welche: Catch you later.

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Luna said "Best spray his room for him" Luna walked to a cupbooard and opened it. Inside it was a bottle. She took out the bottle an walked to the newest, and furthest from the door, room. She steped inside. It was empty apart from a bed, and dresser. She pressed on the cap and sprayed the room.

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