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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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OoC: pegasus you can still join. Let me guess: Captain Falcon.




Your a excellent guesser.



*Later afterwards he is driving on his F-Zero Pilot but some mysterious plane comes after him*

CF: Oh sh**!


*Turns around and shoots*


CF(Thinking): I bet you its Wolf.

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Meta Knight: also, how the hell can you accidently take a photo of master hand and Zelda doing it??? Oh you mean like when you took a photo of me, Lucas and Samus "Accidently" as well?


*samus starts beating the crapout of Sonic as well*


OoC: also, the guy playing as captian Falcon, you can join anytime you like, and let me geuss, your gonna spam the "Falcon PAUNCH" think arn't u?

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