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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Meta Knight: CRAAAAAAAAP!!!!!!!! *Grabs a hold of Lucas and legs it out of the room just as Samus fires here Zero Laser/Final Smash. As these two escape, Sonic Runs out with them as well*


Meta Knight: *Sees Samus chasing after them, fireing misle after missle after missle* OH BUGGER! I've really got myself into trouble now! Oh wait a sec...


*Flash back*


Meta Knight: Oh yeah, i forget that that there are loads of random stuff in my dimensional cape, oh wait a sec...


*Pulls out bunny hood*


Meta Knight: well i feel stupid now...


*Flash back ends*


Meta Knight: DUR!!! *Pulls out bunny hood and puts it on* MACH SPEED!! Later Sonic!

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Kirby stood, watching the mites crawl towards him (it), Kirby began to inhale the creatures but there were too much creatures. Kirby jumped into the air and flipped, pulling out his sword and smacking it into the ground, emitting a greenish wave from the blade. There were about 20 mites left near Kirby, and they were persistant. Maybe they could be tricked, thought Kirby and he turned into a blue spiked ball.

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Meta Knight: *After being hit by lightning* Wait how is that gonna-


*As soon as Pk Thunder hit Lucas, they both went spiraling down the corridor at twice the speed*




*More Mites had entered the corrider, which were went flying by the Pk Thunder attack thing*


Meta Knight: *Opens wings* Right, now i'm in control!


*Several Minutes later, when they had finaly lost samus*


Meta Knight: Phew! I think we lost her...bu i wonder what happened to Link and the others after the mites attacked?

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*Meta Knight and Lucas both walk into the cafeteria to see Link and Yoshi on the floor unconshus (I can't spell! Sorry!)*


Meta Knight: LINK! YOSHI! Are you two all right?


*Glides towards them both*


Oh man, i've gotta take them back to my dorm, I have a Heart container there! You coming Lucas?

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Meta Knight: We havn't got time to walk there! *Pulls out a Warp star from hus Dimensional cape* Come on hop on!


*When all four are on the warp star, it sets off...and hits through the roof*


Meta Knight: OW!!!!


*eventually, they all return in Meta Knight, Bowser and Kirby's dorm, which is set on fire!*


Meta Knight: Whoah! What the heck happened here???Bowser, have you been burping again?

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Meta Knight: Oh...Thx Kirby! I ow u one.


Anyway, yeah, the heart container!


*Runs to drawers and pulls out two heart containers*


Meta Knight: Right, here you go you two! *Gives both Link and Yoshi a heart container. Waits for the effects to take place...*


Meta Knight: Well, that has cured their poison, but they're still asleep...Welp! only one way to wake Link up!


*Smacks Link in Balls full force!*

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