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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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OoC: Link isn't with us, is he?


Meta Knight: Hmmm...i wonder who Yata exactly is...hes not from the actual brawl game, none of the characters or assist trouphies, or from the sub space emmissenary (Epic Fail at spelling yet again) either...DAM YOU TURBO TOM! You said that you had unlocked every character in the game.


Turbo Tom: Don't blame me for this! Anything can happen in a Fan Fic! Oh and Fourth Wall has been broken yet again...

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Darkness Reappears Yata Steps out and he looks like Kirby, except he is Pitch-Black


Yata: actually, i can be very Mischievious, I attacked Meta Knight out of Mischieviosity, and was just defending myself if he attacked, and I kicked Kirby over here because i really hate people Hugging on my leg, it kinda brings back bad Memories

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OoC: NeatHat isn't on,so shall we presume that everyone is back in the Smash mansion now?


Meta Knight: Oh, and what Bad memories might these be?


OoC: I'm logging off now, so anyone can control may character (Since NeatHat hasn't been on in ages), just make sure you don't make him do anything that he wouldn't normally do.

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Meta Knight: Nah, Romeo is just CRAZY about here...oh and Kirby is underneath the bed as well, obviously waiting for samus to come so that he can figure out what she thinks about Yata...sorry Kirby...but don't tell her! Anyway Link, how have you been doing with Zelda? i heard that your date with her went wrong! BIG TIME!!!

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