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Oh Dear God....

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Sorry for the amount of topics i have made today, but i believe this card needs a serious one-topic discussion


CRMS-JP0?? Arcanite Magician/Buster [ultra/Ultimate Rare]

LIGHT/Spellcaster - Effect/9/900/2300

[justify]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Buster Mode". When this card is Special Summoned, place 2 Spell Counters on it. This card gains 1000 ATK for each Spell Counter on it. You can remove 2 Spell Counters from this card to destroy all cards your opponent controls. Also, when this card on the field is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Arcanite Magician" in your Graveyard.[/justify]


Its Arch-Knights or Arcanites Magician Buster form


Why Konami... why!


This card is going to see a HELL of a lot of play



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Wow' date=' wonder how long until this gets banned, considering dark holes banned.



Errr, this card is a Raigeki + Harpies Feather Duster with 900 ATK legs


thats worse


And this card puts RDA/B to shame

Not to mention it special summons something after it dies.


This has got to be the most god damn cheap card ever made.

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All you need is 3 cards for this card to work properly


E-Teleport + Magician's Circle = Krebons + Magical Marionette = Arch-Knight Magician + Buster Mode = Arcanite Magician/Buster -> use effect, wipe field -> either destroy Arcanite Magician/Buster yourself to ressurect Arch-Knight Magician from grave for a 2400 ATK beastick, or tribute it to summon something stronger


easy said than done. Not long now until they start making OTK's with this

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I dont think the card would be to over powering. I mean with all the -1`s in summoning /Busters is about -4, but this card makes up for it. So now were 4-5 months away from Crimson Crisis. We will be totally prepared by then. I will be there and get what I need. Then I will go to my local tournament and totally kick ___ ! Its the new Tele-DAD I tell ya!

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This is probably going to be just like Norleras. Even with the support it has, for the moment, the deck is going to be so inconsistant, you have to be able to syncro summon something before all of those cards can do something. This means you're going to have to find room for cards to perform all the syncros and add the "/buster" monsters with buster mode all in one deck. Unless they can find a way to make the cards good by themselves, I can hardly imagine running everything in a deck.


And lets face it, this game has been about OTK and boss cards for ever. The only "/buster" that has this kind of potential is doomkaiser. Besides him, for the moment, I don't see which "/buster" could see play.


You want nuking, Trade In + something (you have options) + PoC is more reliable that this. Black Rose Dragon is better than this.

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