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MegamanX cardz(Yes, With a "Z")


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Chill Penguin is next:



This card's Type is also treated as Aqua. During your opponet's Endphase, You can special summon 2 Ice Penguin Tokens(WATER/Lvl2/Aqua/100ATK/100DEF) to your side of the field in Face-Up Defence Position(These Tokens cannot be Tributed, Except by this card, And control of these tokens cannot switch). During your turn, You can Tribute any number of Ice Penguin Tokens and inflict 800 points of damage to the opponet's lifepoints. But this card cannot attack if you activate this effect.

^The effect is based on that attack Chill Penguin does whare he creates a blizzard, and tries to slide the ice penguins into you^

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