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Dark Syncros for 1 point! New managment! 1st purchase (under new managment) is free!


Is the pricing fair? (please explain by pm if availible.)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Is the pricing fair? (please explain by pm if availible.)

    • Too high (explain what by pm.)
    • Just right.
    • Too low (explain what by pm.)

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Dark shop

Hi! Welcome to The Dark Shop! ^_^ I hope you have a wonderful time! This shop origonally belonged to DARKIS. He didnt want to run it anymore so managment is now mine. The shop will remain the same except for some ADDED features.


[spoiler=Items]Pokemon & Transformer splices

Card recolors=1 points

Splice recolors=2 points

Dark Syncros=1 points

holos=1 for full or 2 for background

gold stickers=1 point

member cards=2

Booster Packs=2 points

Booster pack recolors=2 points

Negative Recolor=1 point

[spoiler=exsamples]Gold sticker: exgoldstickas8.png

Pokemon Recolors: aesag8hm36a5c0f7f1ua.pngakggjpnkkdbyf3zrofoo.png5nwbkps7tvdyx2wvszk.pngwxbdancmugieetiafxbl.png

Card recolors: nf448y.jpg

Boosters: 34fmhhu.png

Dark Syncros: darksyncroex1vw2.png

Booster recolors: 34fmhhu.png

More Coming Soon!

Please note: Not all positions are filled and some exsamples were not provided. Also I still need a holo sheet. Please be patient.




[spoiler=clasifieds][spoiler=my shop.][spoiler=Updates]HELP WANTED

Now buying Holo sheets. I also accept donations.

[spoiler=Impotant stuff]

Your shop add could go here! The starting price for adds(because its a new shop) is only 10 for a lifetime!!! OR 1 points a week!Updates can also go here!




Shop status:OPEN


The shop is open everyday from 2:00pm - 9:00pm


If it is closed, you may still post orders, just expect delays. (hours may vary slightly. If it says closed, it's closed.)



[spoiler=employees]Maxium employes-10

-Note: TWO people can hold one position.





Holoist:Moonsoon300 (for now. Still looking to fill position.)


Goldsticker specialist:Monsoon300

Recolor specialist (pokemon):ShadowGX

Recolor specialist (cards): Monsoon300

Recolor specialist (boosters): zman0716 and Monsoon300

Negative Recolors:Monsoon300

Membercard specialist:Maxcool101

Booster Pack Specialist: zman1076

Dark Syncros: Monsoon300

Negative recolors:Monsoon300



FREE card recolors

FREE GOLD STICKER with negative recolor or full holo

1 Point Dark-Syncros!



[spoiler=Rules]1. Don't post without reading and understanding the following rules. Pm me any questions on the rules.

2.Dont post ads or recemendations in this thread. They are treated as SPAM.


4.Please dont post any pricing in this thread. It is all explained in this post under "Items" Pm any questions.

5.No flamming

6.Helpful critisism only. This should also be handeled by pm.

7.Please send payment for any order TO ME. I will distribute points to employees accordingly.

8.Please pm me any rules I may have missed.



ALSO- please edit any posts that say any form of pricing other than the correct amount and make it say the correct amount. Also please edit any ads or posts that break the rules to a post reading "-deleted-"

Much apreciated.






Cards Per pack:

Color or 9 cards per pack:


5ds or yugioh logo?:





Gold sticker-






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  • Replies 112
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Can Ibe a worker here I can make:






But the person desides the colour of the background or he/she can pick one pokemon movie.


Picks any pokemon trainer from series


The name and colour of the name:(blue,purple,yellow,red,black)




And picks 6 pokemon or manaphys egg

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Please provide working examples links' date=' since your links just go back to image shack.



What do you mean? I provided the exsamples that I could. What more should I do?

I want to work here ^^

Position: recolers specialist

Exsamples: aesag8hm36a5c0f7f1ua.pngakggjpnkkdbyf3zrofoo.png5nwbkps7tvdyx2wvszk.pngwxbdancmugieetiafxbl.png


Cool. Your in! Please pm any questions.


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Yes deal, and i took it because i wanted to continue the TRUE shop in it's origional for. Also, If not i would just change it seeing as i told you to tell me if there was a problem / if i was doing anything wrong. Your our new recolor person! Congrats! Oh and I added NEW items.


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I can make the recolors with as many colors as anyone wants!I also do gold stickers too.I can also do recolors WITH gold stickers too.I would also like to do gold stickers and gold stickers with recolors. Prices: Gold sticker with recolor:4 points recolor(3 points) + gold sticker(1 point) = 4 points.

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can i have a booster pack?


Name:Attack Of The Fiendragons

Picture: http://www.wizards.com/global/images/duelmasters_coolstuff_creatures022_picMain_en.jpg

(nine cards per pack)

if member cards are free,ill also take one.i will also PM this order,and send points when a PM is sent back.

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