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This deck runs Freezing Fitzgerald.


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Monsters, Level 5 or higher: 8

2x DaD

3x Dark Tuner Catastrophe(Chaosrogue)

3x Malicious


Monsters, Level 4 or lower: 12

3x Dark Grepher

3x Dark Panther

3x Mystic Tomato

3x Plaguespreader Zombie


Spells: 10

3x Allure

2x Foolish

2x DWD





Traps: 10

3x Limit Reverse

3x Solemn

2x Roar

2x Waboku


Extra Deck:9 (12)

3x Freezing Fitzgerald

(3x Jet-Black Zumvald)

3x Goyo

3x Stardust


The cards within parenthesis will be added once DMU gets them. Rate/fix/comment, pl0x.

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