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My first card.....


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it might seem a little overpowered but you can only have one of them in your deck enjoy




Effect: this card and only be summoned by the card "Dark shadows".When this card is played destroy all magic and trap cards on the field. as long as this card is up the magic and trap cards can not be played on the field. increase the attack and defense of this card by 800 for all magic and trap cards on the field. when a monster attacks this card you may sacrifice one card to the grave yeard and increase this cards attack by 100 for each star on that card. this card is not affected by spell and trap cards. You may only have one Sallenn the assassin in your deck.

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increase the attack and defense of this card by 800 for all spell and trap cards on the field.

^You dont need this part^


when a monster attacks this card you may sacrifice one card to the grave yeard and increase this cards attack by 100 for each star on that card.

^How does this effect work?^

You cant "sacrifice" cards in the Graveyard.

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not bad at all



Fixed Effect: This card may only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell card "Dark shadows".When this card is Ritual Summoned destroy all Spell and trap cards on the field. as long as this card is face-up on the field spell and trap cards can not be activated. increase the atk and def of this card by 800 for all spell and trap cards on the field. when a monster attacks this card you may remove from play one card from the graveyard to increase this cards ATK by 100 during the damage step only. this card is not affected by spell and trap cards. You may only have one Sallenn the assassin in your deck.


may not have been the intended effect but i fixed it as well as i could.

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