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OMFG Stardust made another deck?!?!?!


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3|Glas|Gladiator Beast Laquari

2|Glas|Gladiator Beast Bestiari

2|Ptdn|Gladiator Beast Darius

2|Glas|Gladiator Beast Hoplomus

1|Glas|Gladiator Beast Murmillo

1|Tdgs|Gladiator Beast Equeste

1|Glas|Gladiator Beast Secutor

3|Glas|Test Tiger

2|Dpct|Elemental Hero Prisma

2|Ston|D.D. Crow

1|Tdgs|Jutte Fighter


1|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army

1|Ptdn|Gladiator Proving Ground

2|Psv|Cold Wave

1|Lob|Monster Reborn

1|Tlm|Brain Control

2|Ast|Enemy Controller

2|Pgd|Book of Moon

1|Mrd|Heavy Storm

1|Mrl|Giant Trunade


3|Mrd|Solemn Judgment

2|Tdgs|Gladiator Beast Chariot

1|Pgd|Trap Dustshoot

2|Ioc|Compulsory Evacuation Device


3|Lodt|Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

2|Glas|Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

2|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon

1|Tdgs|Red Dragon Archfiend

1|Ysd3|Colossal Fighter

2|Tdgs|Goyo Guardian

1|Ysd3|Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

1|Ysd3|Junk Warrior




1|Ston|Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

2|Ptdn|Gladiator Proving Ground

2|Potd|Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

2|Fet|Rescue Cat

2|Glas|Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

3|Glas|Light-Imprisoning Mirror

3|Psv|Dust Tornado

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Nitro Warrior over Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth .

Max Proving Grounds, it makes Trap Dustshoot a far less effective card.

Sector is a better side deck choice without mained Wabokus, or someway of getting the switch out.


Looks good though, just my personal preferences, but Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth isn't good, replace it with something else, Nitro or another Goyo.

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