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my try on tele-gad yes gad not dad


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ok the deck is a bit big but i heard thats how you were supposed to run gadgets but the size still bothers me... that sounded a little... wrong





2x red

2x green

2x yellow

3x krebons

1x psychic comander

3x malicious

2x dasher

1x doom lord

2x caius



2x lv

3x shrink

3x teleport

1x mr

1x brain

3x allure

3x d draw

1x heavy storm



1x ultamite offering

3x solemn

2x pwwb



3x sdd

3x goyo

3x thought ruler

3x red dragon

1x android

1x parshath

1x whatever else there is


it went something like this. i dont have the note book i write my deck ideas down in so im not sure if this is exactly right.

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