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Death Whisper RP (PG-16) | Finished | Lock Pl0x

Big Bad Pennar

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Sgt.Freeman: ok lets go, pilots to 51.

Pilots: Sir that...

Sgt.Freeman: i don't care it was an order lets move.

as the helicopter flew off in the distance with some of the infected fighting the soldiers in the base.

Sgt.Freeman: i hope they like my little present (freeman pushed a switch on a controller)

there was an explosion as big as a camp fire at the base. then a huge shock wave came and hit the helicopter.

Sgt.Freeman: don't worry that was normal for the D-bomb.

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The Arrows Stopped Shooting at Rokujo




Ryko: I see a friend of mine, and what are those people doing in our old hiding place?




The White Hawk Leader sees a Chopper fly by, then he sees 3 People with Death Whisper on the Helicopter and arrows Shooting at the Helicopter


WHL: Go, Get Rokujo up there and Protect that Chopper

White Hawk: Yes sir


The White Hawk Ran through the Psychic Wall, and Created a Plate Below Rokujo which will carry him up to the Copter, then the White Hawk Member Jumped up to the Chopper with the Aid of His Psychic Powers and Blacked the arrows from hitting the Chopper

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OoC: I know, i just forgot


White Hawk: we are Neutral, it turns out that there are Multiple Strains of Death Whisper


The White Hawk looks at Ryko in Surpirse, as if he were the King, The White Hawk Member Kneeled as if trying to Honor him


White Hawk (Telepathy to WHL): I found something


A Spirit that looked like the White Hawk Member Flew up to the Copter, Time Stopped and Only Ryko and The Spirit and the White Hawk Member is able to move


Spirit Of WHL: Hmmm.... Strange indeed, i never thought that it would land on a poor Person like you

Ryko: Who are you calling Poor, and Why is he Bowing?

Spirit of WHL: You are Destined to battle the King of Death Whisper, You have the Shikinang Strain of Death Whisper

Ryko: Strain? Death Whisper has Multiple Strains!?

Spirit of WHL: Yes, there are currently 3 known Strains in Existence, the Common Strain, The Akuetsu Strain, and the Shikinang Strain, The Strain you Have is Extremely Rare, and Only 2 People have it, one which is the King of Death Whisper

Ryko: What!?


The Spirit Disappears, Time Resumes and Ryko was Shocked


Ryko: What the!? I'm destined to battle a King!?

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OoC: The King is not a Ghost, but a Real person


Ryko: I was Talking to the Leader of the White Hawks, and he said that there are 3 known Strains of this Disease, one being a common Disease, another Being Rare, and the Third one is so rare that only 2 People Have it, and I have it along with the King of Death Whisper


With the White Hawk Still bowing...


Ryko: Quit it, you are embarassing me


With Ryko's anger going off, his Disease progressed Somewhat faster, and he is now at Stage 5, then A Bow Materializes in Ryko's hands


Ryko: What The!?

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OoC: I actually allow Gender Changes BTW


Ryko: What The!?

???: Behind You!


Ryko Looked Behind him, there was the White Hawk Leader, but Nobody else Cannot see or Hear him


WHL: Take this Vial if you are Ready, The Disease Progresses Very Slowly


the White Hawk Leader gives Ryko a Red Vial


WHL: God, I Hate Watermelon coding


Then the White Hawk Leader Disappears, before anybody can see him with the Vial, He put it in his Pocket, then Travis appears Beside Ryko


Ryko: Get the F*** off this Chopper, you son of a B****


Ryko Pushes Travis off the Chopper

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