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I guess I would have to say, The USS Harry Truman. It's a supercarrier

The most dangerous things when flying an aircraft are downbursts and crosswinds. When crosswinds come into play, you have to use the math that your teacher taught you in 6th grade (lol) to triangulate what new trajectory to come into. Unless you properly calculate your crosswind trajectory, you and your passengers may crash.

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Yeah, but thermals really aren't as dangerous as many a time that a crosswind is. In fact, gliders use thermals when they fly because the rising columns of air push them up. But they're still something to look out for when flying a small aircraft.


I went to the National Air Force Armament Museum here in Florida today. I couldn't go inside, but there were alot of exhibits on the outside. It was really cool, and we're going again on Saturday so that we can go inside the museum. The AC-130 was the size of a small house and the O-2 Skymaster was a little Cessna with disrupters on it. Anywho, it was great.


And, everyone. Take time today to thank our veterans, they have done so much for us. Many of them don't come home to their families and give their lives for us. So just remember, the reason we're out of school is so that we can thank our veterans. Even just a quick thanks for them will help. Thank You Veterans.


Oh, and could we not discuss Navy stuff anymore, aircraft carriers are cool and all, but I don't like them much either. They launch planes and all, but pilots don't fly them and they're really slow and boring.

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