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Which of the 3 variant cards would you like to get if this promo exists?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which of the 3 variant cards would you like to get if this promo exists?

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Here would be a Wall-E Yugioh card promo that would consist of a small pack with 1 of 3 variant cards that would have been attached to all "Machines Re-volt" structure decks in stores during the time period that Disney Pixar's movie Wall-E was on theatres. They are supposed to be balanced and have characteristics that give significant reference to the characters in the film.







*Wall-E: The effect simulates how Wall-E recycles trash to make trash cubes. Here he would be recycling destroyed machines to make cubes protecting your life-points.

*Eve: 2000/2000 because it makes it look futuristic.

*Mo: The effect simulates how Mo cleans robots coming from Earth so that they don't bring any unkown substances to the ship; Mo removes counters, which can be useful if you are facing an opponent using venom monsters, for instance.


(Card images by Pixar animation team)

(Ocg grammar on Wall-E fixed; may take time to load, though)


Please rate each card (1-10) and tell me what you think.

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8/10 Wall-E, good effect and imagination, but his low ATK makes it difficult to go anywhere with him. also, I think that when he spits out the cubes by putting monsters face down, he shouldn't be attacked.


EVE 7/10 needs an effect, I would suggest that if there is a plant type monster on the field you can perhaps summon a card from your deck (like the wall-e space ship) or activate some other effect.


MO- 6/10 he's really weak, and his effect doesn't help much either. he should be able to remove monsters from play rather than remove counters.


overall: 7.5 out of 10. these would be good as promo cards but since all except eve are really weak, they wouldn't be especially popular otherwise. I'd reccomend giving atk of around 1000 to the others, making them not super powered, but perhaps a bit more usable in battle. good imagination on the effects

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EVE 7/10 needs an effect' date=' I would suggest that if there is a plant type monster on the field you can perhaps summon a card from your deck (like the wall-e space ship) or activate some other effect.



I really like the Eve idea of an effect if there is a plant monster on the field, something I totally haven't thought of. The Wall-E idea of making the cubes defend him is also cool (though the 1st effect as it is could work well with "Ring of Magnetism" equipped to one of the cubes, since it would force monsters to attack a 2500 DEF monster). And yes, Mo would need a better effect...

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