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My try at LS

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Foolish. Nao.


It makes Wulf less of a dead card and can sometimes mean an instant Celestia. Also, Wulf at 3.


Dont worry too much about going over 40 cards. The milling should make it acceptable.


Neg a Garoth for a third Wulf and just slide in the Foolish Burials.


Since Charge is in here, I dont think you need Garoth maxed.

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-1 Lyla

-1 Ehren

-1 Card Trooper

+1 Garoth

+2 Foolish Burial


You don't need Lyla at 3. When running 3 copies of Charge of the Light Brigade, it's just not needed. I actually only run 2 Lyla in my Lightsworn Monarchs build, and that doesn't use Charge because 1. I don't ahve any, and 2. It uses Cold Wave.


Monsters aren't set that often, so Ehren's just not that necessary of a tool. I think she's worth running at 1, but no more. With 3 Charges and a pair of Luminas, she's easy enough to grab at if you need her.


Card Trooper is self-replacing, which is great, and he provides pre-battle phase mill for Wulves, which is great. However, his pre-battle phase mill is no longer so important because we have both Charge and Solar Recharge to do that for us. He is also another monster that doesn't work with Lumina/Recharge/Garoth/Judgment Dragon/etc. He's still good, just I think that he's going to be cut in most modern Lightsworn builds.


Foolish Burial is great. It can feed Judgment Dragon its 4th monster, give Lumina a target (Garoth/Lyla/whatever you need at the time), Grab you a Special SUmmoned 2100 ATK beatstick, dump a Gardna if you're in a bad game position, dump a Plaguespreader Zombie or Quillbolt Hedgehog in the Synchrosworn builds, etc. It becomes even more important now because Lightswon need to put on all the speed and aggression they can in order to compete with Teleport Dark Armed. At the same time, that extra Gardna in the Graveyard can save your butt when a Teleport Dark Armed Player is trying to push for game. Who knows, maybe all you needed was one more turn before you'd nuke the field with JD and swarm for game yourself.

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