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Who would win?

Black Rose Phoenix®

Who would win if they fought each other?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Who would win if they fought each other?

    • Mewtwo (second best pokemon)
    • Yoda (Oldest proffesional Jedi)
    • Draw (they both die at the end)

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Judge yoda by size' date=' do you? Stupid, you are. For i can use the force to control phycic power...[/color']


Pfft Please.


In my opinion Mewtwo's powers are superior to Yoda's. Meaning that his lightsaber would mean nothing if he can't get close enough to use it, with Mewtwo flinging him around like a saucer and what not =/

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Mewtwo is the 2nd best pokemon, but Yoda is another species, a galactic fighter, old, well trained, most experience and power than any Jedi, battled many and won all except the draw with Darth sid., trainer of Darth tyranas, Qui-Gon Jin, Obi-One Kanobi, Luke Skywalker and possibly more...he is also not to mension the srongest and fastest fighter of Jedi's and in the Jedi councal, if this does not persuade you, you sicken me...good day to you sir...

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