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Spell Card - Divine Judgment

Chiengu Ruu

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Correct OCG:

Flip a coin twice. If the outcome is both heads' date=' destroy all cards your opponent controls. If the outcome is both tails, destroy all cards you control. If the outcome is both heads and tails, destroy all cards on the field.


4/5. 'Cept for the OCG errors, I really like the card. I love the risk it gives to either player. Keep up the good work! ;D



Thanks for the correction! :D


holy heck' date='thats powerful.i can see why it called DEVINE JUDGEMENT



Thanks you to you both for looking at my card.:)

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Correct OCG:

Flip a coin twice. If the outcome is both heads' date=' destroy all cards your opponent controls. If the outcome is both tails, destroy all cards you control. If the outcome is both heads and tails, destroy all cards on the field.


4/5. 'Cept for the OCG errors, I really like the card. I love the risk it gives to either player. Keep up the good work! ;D



Thanks for the correction! :D


No prob dude, you work really hard, and I respect you as a card maker. ^^

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I suggest giving it a cost like paying half of your life points


Uaaaammm.....Life Points cost..... I not so sure.... xD

but it makes it more balanced here or do you prefer a fixed value instead


If it fail, all my cards will be destroy and with low Life Points plus no monster for protection.... Hmmm....... -_-a


I think I prefer fixed value instead.

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