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A...pile of cards ><


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Blah. I wanted to try and splash some darkworld stuff into a random aggro build. This was just made out of boredom using my real life card pool...


Monsters: 19

3 Caius

3 Goldd

2 Broww

2 Kahkki

2 Dekoichi

1 Cyber dragon

1 Sangan

1 Grand mole

1 Morphing jar

1 Spirit reaper

1 Breaker

1 D.D. Warrior lady


Spells: 14

3 Allure of darkness

3 Dark world dealings

2 Dark world lightning

1 Heavy storm

1 Monster reborn

1 Mystical space typhoon

1 Smashing ground

1 Card destruction

1 Brain control


Traps: 7

3 Solemn judgment

2 Bottomless trap hole

1 Mirror force

1 Torrential tribute


Needs D.D. crows- I'm thinking -cyber dragon and something else?

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Without synchros, sillva is useless field presence with mediocre attack that I have to lose card advantage to summon =/


Granted Goldd is much the same, but I think the 3 Goldds are enough for what I wanted to achieve. Anyways, this deck probably wont see the light of tournaments over my tele-monarchs xD

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Without synchros' date=' sillva is useless field presence with mediocre attack that I have to lose card advantage to summon =/


Granted Goldd is much the same, but I think the 3 Goldds are enough for what I wanted to achieve. Anyways, this deck probably wont see the light of tournaments over my tele-monarchs xD



The entire point of Dark World has always basically bean "Special Summon 2300 ATK beatsticks and attack", and this on;y changed at all when Synchro Monsters came out.


How on earth do you need to lose advantage to Special Summon Sillva? As long as you activate a Dark World effect of some sort, all of your discard effects are +0 (except for Morphing Jar, which is variable depending on your respective hand sizes).

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