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Title says it all. Please enjoy guys, and no credit needed ^_^


*Adobe Photoshop Required (Although with some common sense, you can do it in GIMP)

*You are welcome to post your creations on this thread :)






[spoiler=[b]Step 1[/b]]


Save this to your computer, we will need it later:



The example Card I will be using:



Open up Card Maker. Save the card you want to Dark Synchro onto your computer. MAKE DURE IT IS SAVED AS AN EFFECT MONSTER, NOT A SYNCHRO MONSTER! The Level of the monster does not really matter, so I'll just save it as a level 1 (Even though I saved it as a level 1, but later on, my dark synchro will turn out a level 8 :)). AND in the card maker, in the box where it tells you to write the Type of the monster (pyro, fiend etc.), put this---> Your Type Here / Dark Synchro .


Now open the card up photoshop. Open the blank card you saved earlier also.



[spoiler=Step 1 Screenie:]nx24ja.jpg






[spoiler=[b]Step 2[/b]]


Now we will separate our resources. Use the pen tool, and make sure your settings match the ones in the screenie (I will circle important settings in the screenie). Use the pen tool, with the circle setting, to select the Attribute Icon of the monster (I reccomend zooming in [Ctrl + +]). Right Click, and click "Make Selection". Press ok when the pop up window comes up, and it will become a selection. Press [Ctrl + C] on your keyboard while it is selected. Now press [Ctrl + N], to open a new document. Press ok when the settings window comes up. Now press [Ctrl + V], and your attribute icon will copy into the new document. On the new document, press [Ctrl + A], and it should select the whole thing. Ignore this for now, and go back to your card.


[spoiler=Step 2 Screenie:]2010wwh.jpg






[spoiler=[b]Step 3[/b]]


Now we use that blank card we saved. on the blank card, use the rectangle select tool to select the WHOLE bar where the Level stars of the monster would be (It should be blank), and paste it on top of the level stars of the card that needs to be Dark Synchroed. Now the Dark Synchro monster should have 0 level Stars. After pasting in the correct spot, press [shift + Ctrl + E]


[spoiler=Step 3 Screenie:]2uoihkh.jpg






[spoiler=[b]Step 4[/b]]


Now we will recolor the effect box. Simple step. Use the rectangle select tool, like in the last step, and select the inside of the effect box of the card only. Do not select any of the orange borders. Press [Ctrl + U], and it should come up with a colorize bar. Slide the "Saturation" Slider to the far left, to make it 0. Our card's effect box is now grey.


[spoiler=Step 4 Screenie:]21odena.jpg






[spoiler=[b]Step 5[/b]]


Now we recolor the card. Select the whole box for the monster pic (inlcuding the border) using the rectangular select tool as in the previous step. Now, as done in step 2, select the pen tool. Remember our pen tool was set to circle? Now we need to set it to rectangle. I will circle the button to do this in the screenie. Using the pen tool, mark the whole effect box, including the border. Now, we right click, select "Make Selection" again, but when the pop up window comes up this time, do not press ok right away. Instead, tick the circle where it says "Add to Selection", and then press ok. The two boxes should be selected on your card after pressing ok. Select the rectangle selection tool again, but this time, right click on your card with it, and click on "Select Inverese". Now nearly your whole card should be selected. Press [Ctrl + U], and slide the saturation bar to 0, or to the far left. Our whole card is now grey.


[spoiler=Step 5 Screenie:]264thcp.jpg






[spoiler=[b]Step 6[/b]]


Save these to your computer:



Now open the 2 pics you just saved. We'll work with the level first. Copy as many Level stars as required, and paste them onto your card as many times as needed. Now copy the sticker, and past it over the grayed sticker (at the bottom right of your card). For the finale, select the Attribute icon you separated from the card, and paste it over the grayed version. YOU HAVE JUST MADE A DARK SYNCHRO!!!! Now save your image as a .PNG, upload it to www.imageshack.us or www.tinypic.com and show it off to YCM!!!


[spoiler=Step 6 Screenie:]15xa3bn.jpg



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