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Destiny Heroes Work Alone...

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Build C


Monsters: 19

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

2 DH - Dasher

3 DH - Diamond Dude

3 DH - Malicious

3 DH - Plasma

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

3 Krebons

2 Phantom of Chaos

1 Plaguespreader Zombie


Spells: 19

3 Allure of Darkness

2 Dark Core

3 Destiny Draw

2 Emergency Teleport

1 Heavy Storm

2 Lightning Vortex

1 Monster Reborn

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Swords of Revealing Light

2 Trade-In


Traps: 2

2 Royal Decree


Extradeck: 15

1 Black Rose Dragon

3 Brionac, Dragon of the Frozen Realm

2 Colossal Fighter

2 Dark-End Dragon

3 Goyo Guardian

1 Magical Android

2 Stardust Dragon

1 X-Saber Urbellum



I guess it's a horrible DDT with Synchro capabilities (Emergency DDT?). Core and Vortex, my main monster mashers, need their targets to be face-up, though, and I couldn't fit extra copies of Book of Taiyou, so I'm not happy with the consistency there.


Monster Choices: Dasher is a nice wall/beatstick during Swords and can be used to Summon Diamond Dude/Krebons/Malicious in the Graveyard, Plasma is great fodder for all the draw cards that I happen to actually draw, Malicious is obvious, Diamond Dude and the Synchros are the deck cores, PoC is to copy Plasma or a used Synchro, and Krebons is really obvious.


Spell Choices: They should be obvious.


Trap Choices: If you can only fit 3 traps, they might as well all be omninegative Solemn Judgment.


Synchro Choices: BRD and Urbellum in case I steal a Psychic Commander/Junk Synchron/Dark Resonator with Reborn; Magical Android is if I steal Mind Master/Dark Sprocketer. The others are for Malicious/Dasher and/or used PoC/Stratos (or Diamond Dude if I'm really desperate), all with Krebons.


Fixes only, please.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Swapped out for Solemn, I assume? It would give me depressingly low counterability, especially against opposing spells. But I suppose I can spare it.

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