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Wicked Cards


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These cards are to parody "The Wicked Avatar" and "The Wicked Eraser" so they're names may be goofy. They are not really meant to be taken seriously, but you can rate them as if they were actual cards...Enjoy.









One tuner + one "Wicked" monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned except for Synchro Summon. When this card attacks, send the top card of your deck to the Graveyard. If it is a tuner, destroy this card. If it is a "Wicked" monster, this card can attack directly once. Once per turn, you may remove one "Wicked" monster from your Graveyard to destroy up to 3 monsters on the field.

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I can only see how these cards parody The Wicked Eraser.


The Wicked Pencil is underpowered.

The Wicked Signature sees use outside of a Wicked Gods deck.

The Wicked Essay seems underpowered, but just slightly.

The Wicked Sharpener is slightly overpowered.




3 and three foruths stars (Help me find that last fourth of a star, it's missing.)

One and a half thumbs up (Can somebody help me find the other half of my thumb plz?)

12/16 (It doesn't have the same ring to it as 10, though)

111.101/1010 (For those binary peoplez)

7.5/A (for those hexadecimals)

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