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please rate these cards


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a) First card (LizardMan of UnderWorld) is perfectly good. No complaints.

b) Second card (Floating Head of UnderWorld) is overpowered. Pay 1000 LP to wipe out my opponents' field and 1000 LP of theirs?

c) Third card (Three Goblins of UnderWorld) is, like the first card, perfectly good. Again, no complaints.

d) Fourth card (Parasite) is overpowered again. Also, the writing is a bit ambiguous. I think it'd be fine if you had just one of the effects but both make it too powerful.

e) Fifth card (Wizard of UnderWorld) is a brilliant card with a good effect. No problems with this.

f) Sixth card (Fiend of UnderWorld) is a good card. 2600 ATK trampler = very good :).

g) Seventh card and first spell (GateWay to UnderWorld) is another good card. Nothing bad at all with this.

h) Eighth card (Cursed Mask of UnderWorld) is a maybe overpowered equip card. Make it 500 LP a turn OR lose 1000 ATK points.

i) Ninth card (Castle of UnderWorld) is kinda confusing: you can only have one field spell in play at once, so wouldn't that destroy the GateWay to UnderWorld? Nice effect though.

j) Into the traps with number 10 (Hand of Destruction). Like Cursed Mask, slightly overpowered I think, but not by much.

k) Card No. 11 and the last one (Hand of Doom). Pay 500 LP and discard a card sounds fair to destroy all light attribute monsters on your opponent's field.




Art: 9/10

Creativity: 8/10

Theme: 9/10

Playability: 7/10 (due mainly to the overpowered cards)


Good set man!

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