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How Do U Add Holo Effects

Cowboy Dan

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Well I use GIMP, you save your card to your comp, save a Holosheet to your comp, start GIMP. Open your card and holosheet up, choose the Rectangle Selection Tool, draw a 244x248 Square, copy and paste it onto the card. Move it to right over the Picture, then go to Dialogs->Layers, then set the Opacity to about 20. Then your done, save your card then upload it to ImageShack, Photobucket etc.

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Well I use GIMP' date=' you save your card to your comp, save a Holosheet to your comp, start GIMP. Open your card and holosheet up, choose the Rectangle Selection Tool, draw a 244x248 Square, copy and paste it onto the card. Move it to right over the Picture, then go to Dialogs->Layers, then set the Opacity to about 20. Then your done, save your card then upload it to ImageShack, Photobucket etc.



It dosn't have a 'dialog' option. Is there another way I can change the opacity?

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Personally, I think that is a horrible idea. It will put out so many shops.


Step 1: Open up GIMP.

Step 2: Get your HOLOed card ready.

Step 3: Click on "Windows".

Step 4: Click on "Dockable Dialgoues."

Step 5: Click on "Layers".


That is where the Opacity metre is.

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