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The Six



Wrote these Articles a while ago, have read, hope you learn something or least enjoy it.




Heroes – Miracle of the Fusion


Yes, I’m going to be looking at fusion heroes. It has always been popular advice to pick 1 or 2 heroes and focus the build on them, in the past this was usually Thunder Giant or Shining Flare Wingman depending on the player. But now we have more choice, better Heroes. Our main focus will be using Elemental Hero Prisma to dump the necessary fodder.




3 Elemental Hero Bladedge

3 Elemental Hero Necroshade

3 Elemental Hero Prisma

3 Elemental Hero Wildheart

3 Elemental Hero Sparksman

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

1 Morphing Jar


look at the dedication all but 1 of our monsters are heroes. But most importantly all our heroes perform a job outside of being fusion material like some builds. A first turn Prisma will always want to dump necroshade first, the fact it is in the graveyard means your opponent will have to worry about you dropping Bladedge on any turn after it. Once 2 or 3 of the Shades have been sent to the graveyard Prisma starts to dump Sparksman, the least useful Hero to draw into bar Necroshade, This would then be followed by dumping which ever Fusion material you need. Bladedge is a non-fusion trump, and with necroshade in the graveyard it essentially becomes a 4 star 2600 attacker and even when it is destroyed it can fuse using Miracle Fusion unlike Neos. Wildheart is a very could card right now being immune to Torrential Tribute, Dimensional Prison and Phoenix Wing Wing Blast along side Crush means it and press for some damage, it also can fuse with 2 of our other Heroes. Sparksman isn’t actually the hero you want to draw but if you do he is a small beat stick running over a few things. Morphing Jar speeds the deck up just a tad, feel free to drop it.


Normally I would cover the Extra deck at the end but I feel it is needed here.


3 Elemental Hero Darkbright

3 Elemental Hero Wildedge

3 Elemental Hero Necroshaman

3 Elemental Hero Plasmavice

1 Colossal Fighter

1 Goyo Guardian

1 Magical Android


The first 12 cards are the only Fusions we can summon, we want to have as many of them as possible. Darkbrights’s Newdoria effect comes in quite useful, Wildedge can clear the field of Stardust and other smaller monsters, Shaman is a very under-rated card, you can send D.A.D or JD or even a Synchro to the grave and summon a small monster it can run over, try not to bring but Sangan as this actually helps the opponent. Plasmavice is a great hero, destruction, pierce no reason not to use it when you can. The 4 Synchros are what ifs.


A Level 1 Tuner + Bladedge = a Level 8

A Level 1 Tuner + Necroshade = Goyo Guardian

A Level 1 Tuner + Another Hero = Magical Android

A Level 2 Tuner + A level 4 Hero = Goyo Guardian

A Level 3 Tuner + Necroshade = a Level 8


Other things to consider:


Elemental Hero Clayman – One of the few normal heroes that isn’t just a complete waste.


Jutte Fighter – If you want a tuner of your own try this.


Cyber Valley – For the stall and the potential draws.


Exiled Force – monster destruction.



3 Reinforcement of the Army

3 E - Emergency Call

3 Miracle Fusion

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control


6 searching spells to get Stratos or Prisma or even Bladedge if Necroshade is already in the graveyard. We will not be using Poly so Miracle Fusion is a must, it is much better than Poly and can drop a massive monster mid - late game. The standard trio of staples finish this off.


Other things to consider:


Future Fusion – Dump those Heroes faster, potentially getting a Hero for your troubles


Card Destruction – More draw, more dumping, less dead Necroshades in your hand.




3 Reckless Greed

3 Solemn Judgement

3 Dimensional Prison

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trapdust Shoot


Quite simply we are, drawing and protecting our Heroes. Reckless Greed doesn’t stack so using 2 or 3 at once really can speed the deck up. Solemn and Prison protect against big threats. Torrential combos nicely with Wildheart and is a powerful card, Dustshoot lets us control the opponent for lack of a better card to do this.


Other Things to Consider:


Mirror Force – a powerful trap


Compulsory Evacuation Device – Provides the same function as Phoenix Wing Wind Blast in that it can remove Stardust and Colossal Fighter from the field.


Phoenix Wing Wing Blast - More versitile than CED but this comes at the cost of a discard.



There is not that much room for customisation while keeping this fairly competitive. Worse builds I’ve seen try to use Bubbleman and Avian which really aren’t worth the trouble.


Hope you enjoyed this, have fun.


Alex – trying to get people to use Heroes.









The Six


Today I’ll be looking at another Warrior based deck the Six Samurais. Most of these cards only gain their effect when another six samurai is on the field, others however rely on the Samurais.






2 The Six Samurai – Irou

2 The Six Samurai – Zanji

2 The Six Samurai – Yaichi

3 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

2 Spirit of the Six Samurai

2 Hand of the Six Samurai

2 Great Shogun Shien

3 Enishi, Shien's Chancellor

3 Jutte Fighter



Our first 3 monsters are the ones that need another on the field to be more than just a beat stick. The second set are cards that can trigger the Samurai’s powers but themselves do not need another Samurai. Shien and his Chancellor both have ace effects and special summon themselves. Jutte Fighter is a warrior that opens up our Synchro options. Irou and Zanji clear mosters as does the Hand and Enishi, Yaichi the spells and the spirit gives us a protection boost and draw effect to any samurai. 3 of our monsters also special summon themselves.


Grandmaster and Shien both require Samurais to be on the field, one of the game winning combos you should know is… Zanji – Grandmaster – Shien… turning 1 normal summon into 2 sizable threats, Shien being able to trade with stardust.


So our synchro combos are:


Jutte Fighter + Level 3 = Magical Android

Jutte Fighter + Grandmaster = Black Rose Dragon

Jutte Fighter + Level 4 = Goyo Guardian

Jutter Fighter + Enishi = Any level 8 Synchro, Colossal Fighter being able to gain massive attack in this deck.

Jutte Fighter + 2 levels 3’s = any level 8 Synchro.



Things to condsider:


Morphing Jar – this replenishes your hand after a swarm


D.D. Crow – Nice tech against most Meta decks


Card Trooper – a beat stick that can dump the SS’s




3 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Heavy Storm

1 Brain Control

1 Monster Reborn

1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Lightning Vortex

2 Book of Moon

2 Six Samurai United


We search for the right warrior with our reinforcement, we clear the back row for a swarm with Storm, Brain and Reborn can help win game. Swords stalls for a few turns so you can set up a Zanji with an effect or a Yaichi, any samurai. Vortex lets you clear the field while sending a Six samurai to the grave for Enshi, Book of Moon helps Irou get his effect off and is nice tech too. And SSU lets for even more drawing fun.


Other things to consider:


Reasoning – once a staple in these builds its recent limitation causes us to re-consider it, a free shogun can be produced so think about it.


Cunning of the Six Samurai – Chain to destruction to let a Six Samurai surive, net a card of our next card.


Card of Safe Return – Get a card every time you special summon from the graveyard.




3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

3 Dimensional Prison

3 Solemn Judgement


Keep those big threats off the field, that’s all we want to do here.


Other things to consider:


Torrential Tribute – Clear a field of monsters then try and swarm.


Return of the Six Samurai – if we weren’t run 3 Enshi and no Card of safe Returns I might have included this, get a samurai back for a turn.


Double Edged swords Technique – See above, except this gets 2 and deals damage to you afterwards.


Return from the Different Dimension – what? I know I considered it, for the pure fact we remove 6 of our Samurais and our opponent might remove 1-3 so… ye, it is better sided for those games you know they will be removed.


Bottomless Traphole - Remove those threats before they hit the field




As mentioned earlier every Synchro in current play is available here.


3 Goyo Guardian

2 Magical Android

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Colossal Fighter

1 Gladiator Beast Gy

3 Black Rose Dragon



ok I’ve mention Black Rose a few times now, it is released in Cross Roads of Chaos and is a level 7 field clearing dragon synchro, really steps this up a little.



Foot Notes


Hope you enjoyed the article as always, remember to try out your own ideas as well as the suggested cards.


All posts welcome even if you tell me i built this wrong :P






No, not Halloween masks or Slipknot masks Hero Mask. Yep i'm talking about those hated Elemental Heroes, this concept was brought to my attention by Raven a few months ago.


To see Ravens build click on Raven





The monsters are quite simply


3 Elemental Hero Bladedge

3 Elemental Hero Neos

2 Elemental Hero Sparksman

3 Elemental Hero Neos Aluis

3 Honest

3 Cyber Valley

1 A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit

1 Sangan

1 Elemental Hero Stratos



Bladedge and Neos are both our powerhouses, we’ll be summoning them through a little combo involving either Cyber Valley or A-Team. All our Heroes are light so honest can protect them and help them run over bigger cards such as J.D and D.A.D . Cyber Valley adds some much needed draw as well as being a combo piece. The A-team acts as a counter trap against traps, it is some added protection when attack or mass swarming. Stratos performs the same function it always does. Sangan finishes our monster line-up as a way to search Honest, Valley and the A-Team.


Other considerable things:


D.D. Crow – nice tech against the meta


Elemental Prisma – Send some of the Heroes or Sangan to the graveyard, a Light Hero with decent attack.


Ancient Gear – Really don’t use it if you can use Valley and A-Team.


Card Trooper - Another Combo peice that helps you draw and can become a beat stick.


DUCKER Mobile Cannon - Another combo peice that can recycle Honest and other level 4 monsters.


Elemental Hero Necroshade – Summon those dead Heroes in your hand, try it out with Prisma, possibly best for another build.


The Combo


Ok so this combo I was talking about should be pretty obvious. The cards needed are:


Cyber Valley or the A-Team

Machine Duplication

Heroes Mask


How it works.


It works by summoning either of the machine then use the Mask to give them the name of either Neos or Bladedge, which ever you prefer at the time or the one with the most copies left in the deck, then Machine Duplication lets you bring out the cards not sent to the graveyard by Mask. So you just got 2 Bladedge or Neos for 2 cards. Not bad really.




3 Hero Mask

2 Machine Duplication

2 Hand Destruction

2 O - Oversoul

1 Pot of Avarice

1 Miracle Fusion

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn



First 5 cards are our combo pieces, Hand Destruction lets use flitter through the deck to get them and gets rid of the dead heroes in our hand. Oversoul lets us bring back 9 of our beat sticks including Neos which could have been sent to the graveyard with Mask. Pot of Avarice to recycle Neos/Bladedge and Honests, even A-Team and Stratos. Rest are stables really except the Fusion which is for Plasma Vice, a very nice card to get without losing advantage.


Other considerable things:


Magical Mallet – Possibly better than Hand Destruction as it returns those Heroes to where we want them to be, the deck.


Reinforcement of the Army - Search Stratos, Sparksman or Baby Neos


E- Emergancy Call - Search Any Hero.




Our traps will be fairly simple.


3 Bottomless Trap hole

3 Solemn Judgement

1 Torrential Tribute



this is to keep those big things off the field, not much to say really.


Consider :


Dimensional Prison – Remove that attacking Synchro, Stardust can’t negate.


Phoenix Wing Wind Blast – a nice card to make your opponent waste an Emergency Teleport to try and Synchro but you bounce the summoned monster.




3 Stardust Dragon

3 Collosal Fighter

3 Magical Android

3 Goyo Guardian

1 Grand Neos

1 Sandwitch

1 Elemental Hero Plasma Vice


What Ifs again, if we control a Prisma or a Tuner we can do something with it. The Plasma Vice is here for both Sparksman and Bladedge as well as our lone copy of Fusion.





We counter this deck by stopping the combo and the beat down quite a hard task, in practice this deck will probably draw bad a fair bit, so taking advantage of the early game and setting up can be a miracle.




Hope you enjoyed this article, have fun trying it out, mix up the ratios and try some cards you like in here.

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Since there is no edit line i can not see if that is true or not.



Since when was dimensional Prison bad... a non-targeting, non-destroying card that removes a monster, Thought Ruler and Stardust both fall to it. Sure it isn't chainble, sure it fuels a return deck, sure it isn't mass destruction like Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute.


3 Shogun is not needed, 3 Shogun is ok. But neither of us are backing our opinons up.

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Since there is no edit line i can not see if that is true or not.



Since when was dimensional Prison bad... a non-targeting' date=' non-destroying card that removes a monster, Thought Ruler and Stardust both fall to it. Sure it isn't chainble, sure it fuels a return deck, sure it isn't mass destruction like Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute.


3 Shogun is not needed, 3 Shogun is ok. But neither of us are backing our opinons up.



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