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my first card


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COOL! I like it. I cant realy rate because im used to rating REALISTIC CARDS. So ill rate it like one.

[spoiler=card details]Overpowered

Set I-D is random #s

Background is ok and pic is desent.


All novice mistakes. (I still make them!)


So... Great for your first card.

[spoiler=Your rating sire]9/10 for first card 6/10 for a not first card rating.


[spoiler=coments]Good job!


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Wait, Fire Emblem? THAT IS A PICTURE OF SUPER SONIC!!! and Mysterious Fire, that's like the Grim Reaper >.> Change the names...

These are really bad. I'm being harsh because that's how life works, you can't get someone to rate you better, just because they were your first cards.

They don't relate anything like their names...



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hi everyone!


i am a new member here and so i will post my first ever card


please dont be harsh in rating


please tell me wat is wrong with my ocg' date=' balance and pic



and for pic credit: i do not remember where i got this from as i saved lots of wwe pics in my gallery a long time ago


[spoiler=my card:']



161692el0.jpg this is my 2nd card i hope you like it


my third card






There a bit over powered but id rate them 5/10. P.s, Shadow dude is to strong.

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