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[FF] Side-Plot Idea.


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No, this does not go in Fanfiction as it is merely a base idea.

This is a "side-plot" on my Harry Potter Fanfics. I call it that, because I'm not sure what else to call it. It's not quite a Oneshot, as it has more then one chapter, but it's not part of my "canon" either. It uses the characters in it, however it is completely unrelated to my "canon" plot. If you know what to call it, tell me. :P

Anyway, here it is:


Daniel Morris and the Journey to Azlometh base plot:


-Getting there: Unknown.

-Meet Wizard ([Name]) that has put in an enchanted sleep for 100 years at [location]; ancient magic book has been stolen.

-Daniel & Co. travel over the mountains (fighting many powerful ancient beasts on the way) to the Palace of Azlometh.

-While at the Palace, they stay there for a night before heading out into the woods.

-The trees in the woods can move and talk. Daniel & Co. are attacked by the trees.

-After defeating the trees, they finally find the [location/building] of of Dark Lord Xeoan.

-Daniel & Co. attack the building. After defeating the Dark Lord they take the book and head back.

-On the way back, the Palace is attacked. The try to protect the Palace. They do so, but the King and Queen both die.

-They make it back to [location] and give the book back to to Wizard ([Name]) while telling him of the sorrow losses.

-They are sent back to their own world. [unknown]



So, what do you think?

I know it needs more depth, and this is only a base idea...

Your thoughts?

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He stole your Idea of doing a HP fan-fic? How is it different? IS it plagarism if he does a fan-fic bassed on wizards?


It's called respect.

No, it isn't, we had a slight misunderstanding. I thought he meant he was going to write one using my ideas in this thread, it's all solved now.

If he wanted to write a story using my characters etc., then a simple PM asking if he could write a "Fan-Fan Fiction" is all that is needed. I agree too, as long as they credited me for the characters.

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