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This is my first attempt at Zombies altogether. Any suggestions and fixes are appreciated.


Dark Armed Version:


I may not end up building this IRL as DAD will set me back a fair bit.


Extra Deck: 15


3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Red Dragon Archfiend

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Sanwitch (no Fusion involved)


Monsters: 22


2x Dark Armed Dragon

2x Il Blud

3x Mezuki

2x Plaguespreader Zombie

3x Zombie Master

2x Goblin Zombie

2x Mystic Tomato

2x Armageddon Knight

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Sangan


Spells: 15


3x Allure of Darkness

2x Card of Safe Return

3x Book of Life

2x Burial from a Different Dimension

2x Zombiw World

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm


Traps: 5


1x Crush Card Virus

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Solemn Judgment


Side Deck: 15


3x D.D. Crow

3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (additional S/T removal as well as a mill)

1x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

3x Threatening Roar

2x Compulsory Evacuation Device


Ill post the other version later.

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-2 Il Blud

-1 Breaker

-1 Pleaguespreader Zombie

-1 Book of Life

-1 Fissure

-1 Smashing Ground

-2 Foolish Burial

-2 Instant Fusion

-1 Solemn Judgement


+3 Caius

+2 Mystic Tomato

+1 Snipe Hunter

+2 Armageddon Knight

+1 MST

+1 CCV



That's how I would play it. You don't need 3 Pleague since you bury them with Knights and revive them with master, mezuki or book. Plus you have burial to recycle. I prefer Caius to Il Blud since you can use your mezuki to revive goblin zombie for a very good tribute. PWWB helps discarding your mezuki. Tomato can search goblin, sangan and knight to speed things up and snipe looks good in there.

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I dont think they will be much help. I would rather get Stardust out as soon as possible and set up a stable Defense against DAD, JD and Gyzarus and get Goyo out and use my opponents cards for advantage. Thanks anyway.


With that in mind, Black Rose Dragon is an awesome field nuker. I guess since I took out Instant Fusion I should probably replace the Fusions (except Sanwitch which if I Brain Control Prisma means I can dump Sangan and use the abundance or revival for Sangan abuse as well as generate further hand advantage from Card of Safe Return.

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+ Solemn

a playset is much better than 2 and MST's importance has diminshed lately.


Tomatos aren't really needed.

Goblin Zombie is mediocure,(spelling), Only 1 is needed.


From the side,

- 1 sided Solemn to the main.

+ 1 Light Imprisioning Mirror / Kinetic Solider / Zombie World


Zombie World is really useful in every matchup but the mirror, Stopping Glads from tagging in, Telport from working even Mali can't summon itself and against Lightsworns they lose the use of Wulf and Judgment Dragon. Abeit you could no longer use DAD or the Tomatos to search a non-zombie. In the Mirror, it helps the oponent steal you're non Zombies with Book of Life, though most of the time they would be wanting Zombie Master or Plaugespreader.

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Good point about Solemn I guess. Ill main 3.


LIM is probably the best replacement for it in the Side. Tomato searches DARK's and not Zombies.


Malicious can summon itself against Zombies unless they get removed beforehand which is highly likely to happen anyway. Zombie World only converts monsters on the field and Grave to Zombies so Im pretty sure Teleport will still work since it targets Monsters in the Deck for its effect and Monsters in the Deck are unaffected by the effect of Zombie World. Kinetic Soldier is also useless when Zombie World is out since everything is a Zombie at that time. I also only think 2 Zombie Worlds are needed. 3 probably seems a bit much.

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+ Solemn

a playset is much better than 2 and MST's importance has diminshed lately.


Tomatos aren't really needed.

Goblin Zombie is mediocure' date='(spelling), Only 1 is needed.


From the side,

- 1 sided Solemn to the main.

+ 1 Light Imprisioning Mirror / Kinetic Solider / Zombie World


Zombie World is really useful in every matchup but the mirror, Stopping Glads from tagging in, Telport from working even Mali can't summon itself and against Lightsworns they lose the use of Wulf and Judgment Dragon. Abeit you could no longer use DAD or the Tomatos to search a non-zombie. In the Mirror, it helps the oponent steal you're non Zombies with Book of Life, though most of the time they would be wanting Zombie Master or Plaugespreader.



Somebody doesn't know how to read zombie world prevents non-zombie monsters from being Tribute Summoned (not Special Summoned).


You don't need 3 solemns and you'll likely take a hit or 2 to set up your zombies. MST is better since you don't have to wait a turn after you set it you can just get rid of your opponent back row and drop the bombs.


Tomatoes are insane in that deck getting knight to dump pleague or goblin for a tribute is enormous. Playing 2 goblin is just to be safe in case the 1st one gets crowed when you try to get it back from the grave. Both of them are dark for allure if anything.


Forgot to main Zombie World. That is what I was supposed to do. I also negged Caius for Il Blud along with this change since Caius is basically useless while Zombie World is in play.


No don't do that, Caius helps you more than Zombie World/Il Blud. Besides with zombie world you'll end up more often with unplayable hands because of it. And since most of the players will run pleaguespreader with most likely one doomkaiser in the extra deck they will usually turn your zombies against you. I'd side them (ZW with Blud) for some matchup though.

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You should try something like this:


Monsters 21


2 Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 Dark Armed Dragon

2 Plaguespreader Zombie

3 Pyramid Turtle

3 Zombie Master

3 Goblin Zombie

1 Card Trooper

3 Mezuki

2 Mystic Tomato/Armageddon Knight



Spells 16


2 Burial From a Different Dimension

2 Card of Safe Return

3 Allure of Darkness

2 Foolish Burial

1 Monster Reborn

3 Book of Life

3 Zombie World



Traps 5


1 Torrential Tribute

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Mirror Force


Your Extra Deck should have 2 Doom Kaiser Dragon to abuse zombie world and mirror matches.

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