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Dan Green's cards


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Here is the card Joey used to defeat BOTH Mai and Rex:




Spin a Twister Spinner. If you dont have one, Then go to the store and either buy or steal a game of Twister, And use its spiner. If the result lands on a Green or Red Left or Right Foot, or a Yellow or Blue Left or Right Hand, Then this card self detonates and takes a chunk out of your lifepoints. If the result is anything but the above mentioned results, The the fabric of space and time on the field goes out of control and all monster's the opponet controls get 'Aged' and loose all but 300 ATK points. If the opponet has Dinosaur-Type monsters, Then they are destroyed due to the fact that they died out. And at this time, All "Baby Dragon"(s) you control turn into "Thousand Dragon"(s) with 2400 ATK, 2000 DEF and get a 4 level upgrade.

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