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Legend Of Blue Eyes Create A Deck Contest! (Finished!)

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-The task here is to create a 40 card deck (no more, no less) using only cards from the booster pack Legend Of Blue Eyes.




-Your deck must have exactly 40 cards.

-Build this deck in traditional format, meaning you can use one Raigeki and one Monster Reborn, along with any other cards in that pack that are banned or limited.

-You must include 3 different fusion monsters in the deck as well.

-The deck can only have cards from the Legend Of Blue Eyes pack. Please post it here when you finish.




-This contest ends on Friday, August 24 at 5:00 pm eastern time.




-3 Reputation Points

-20 Points

-A Custom Legend Of Blue Eyes Deck List.

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Done! but it sucks since i didn't play until LON came out


Monsters: 21


Tributes: 8

Blue eyes X2

Gaia the fierce Knight X2

Curse of Dragon X2

Tri-Horned Dragon X1 (don't know why i just like the card)

Dark Magician X1


Non-Tributes: 13

Man-Eater Bug X3

Masaki the Legendary Swordsman X2

Flame Manipulator X2

Lesser Dragon X2

Steel Ogre Grotto #1 X2

Armed Ninja X2


Spells/Magics: 15


Dark Hole X1

Raigeki X1

Monster Reborn X1

Pot of Greed X1

Gravedigger Ghoul X2

Fissure X3

Polymerization X3



Traps: 4

Trap hole X3

Two-pronged Attack X1




Fusion Deck: 9

Gaia The Fierce Dragon Champion X2

Flame Swordsman X2

Metal Dragon X2

Karbonala Warrior X3


Side Deck: 15

Exodia X1

L Arm X1

R Arm X1

L Leg X1

R Leg X1

Reaper Of The Cards X1

M-warrior #1 X3

M-warrior #2 X3

Flame Manipulator X1

Masaki The Legendary Swordsman X1

Gaia The Fierce Knight X1

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Done: (X=Number of tributes)

XX Monsters

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Tri-Horn Dragon

Tri-Horn Dragon

Dark Magician

Dark Magician

Gaia the Fierce Knight

Gaia the Fierce Knight



X Monsters

Curse of Dragon

Curse of Dragon





Celtic Gaurdian

Celtic Gaurdian

Giant Soldier of Stone

Giant Soldier of Stone

Man-Eater Bug

Man-Eater Bug

Man-Eater Bug



One-Eye Shield Dragon

One-Eye Shield Dragon

M-Warrior #1

M-Warrior #1

M-Warrior #2

M-Warrior #2



Dragoness the wicked Knight

Karbonaia Warrior

Gaia the Dragon Champion




Dark Hole





Stop Defence

Swords of Revealing Light

Pot of Greed

Monster Reborn




Trap Hole

Trap Hole

Trap Hole

Two-Pronged Attack

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