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New Naruto Cards!!


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Um, I'm still a new to this, but I feel like I somewhat know what I'm talking about when I say...


-Naruto + LVL 3 + 2500/2500 = OP OP OP OP OP OP OP

-And I just realized its like that for most of the cards o____O

-The Spells don't make it any better. They just make them that much more ridiculous xD

-The ATK matches the DEF for all the monsters >.> Makes it kinda pointless/boring/stupid.

-Lots and lots of OCG errors.

-Despite all of that, the pictures used were kinda alright lol


1/10 i guess =/

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starb45 card: like it, too? xD don't like it, too. an overpowered monster, too much ATK (and DEF) And the text is a bit short. right would be:

"This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card.... 1/10


superspence95' cards: sasuke 2 stars 2500 ATK and DEF... 1/10

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The pictures are good,only the 5th Gate Opening is in a bad quality!

In my opinion you have overrated the card,they have too high ATK and DEF.

You have some OCG Erros,too.....


I think thats are your first trials,or?

It´s normal that you haven´t the best card ;)

Train more and more and then you will have a better result ;)

I wish you the best and hope that I will see more cards from you.

I'm curious about it!


Best regards,


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Why do you keep changing and posting these cards they're all bad. Just give up on them and do something. Ask me for some help if you want. I mean I'm not great but I can help you get better. I've made some Naruto cards my self so I'll give you some pointers if you need them but please consider these cards as a lost cause. I not sure where these guys get their scores from but you really need some help... Sorry... Sorry:(.

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