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The Loudest Silence You’ll Ever Hear


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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Yugioh Card Maker Forums, I come to you today with suggestions, demands, and promises. I come to you with the will, opinion, and needs of members who have given to this community and now want something in return. We have given hours, days, weeks of our lives to this forum so that it may continue to survive. However, without us it is nothing. A forum is only as active as its members, and when they choose to no longer participate, it starts to become lacking.


Today we have assembled to achieve common goals through silence. We are united in our beliefs and we strive to better the forum. We are not trying to cause destruction; indeed, we are trying to make the forum a better place for everyone.


The list of our requests and demands is as follows.


Mod Related Issues:

Tea.Leaf reinstated, Icyblue for CC, Xemnas for RPG/FF, Pika and Pudding for Decks/TCG, Kaze to former group. Fire current moderators as needed, preserve Crab.

The moderators on YCM today are lacking. Most of them have turned into sterotypical corrupt jerks. Not only that, but we are also in need of new moderators to crack down on the things that matter. Custom Cards is a mess, RPG and FF don't really have enough enforcement on standards causing them to become overflowing with spam posts. Not to mention there are some members who are very deserving of moderator status, despite their constant lack of recognition.


Mods abusing powers and Mods going too far.

Moderators have been abusing their powers and going too far for far too long. Something needs to be done, and now. Not a promise to do something, something actually has to happen. Moderators have to be restricted to their specific sections for warning people and banning members who contribute so positively to the forum (even if they were pushing the limits) is highly detrimental to the well-being of the site. This needs to stop and reasoning needs to be implemented.


Mods should use proper grammar/caps.

Moderators are supposed to reflect the best image possible for the site, and as such they should use proper grammar and capitalization. Obviously this includes spelling.


Regular updates on mod discussion and Official newsletter maintained by staff in addition to acknowledgement of suggestions.

The members are often left in the dark about the discussions of the moderators, always being told that actions are being taken and things will get better. Things haven't gotten better and little positive action has been taken. Mods should post about what's being talked about in a newsletter at least once a week, and it should be mailed to all members who have the administrative email setting turned on. Additionally, it happens far too often that suggestions are ignored and topics regarding them die out, never to be seen again. This allows the mods and admins to get by without having to do anything while the members become disheartened, which is wrong.


Staff should tell us about themselves in a thread in News (pictures required for YCMaker and FP) so they're not just ominous shadows.

Most of the staff reveal little about themselves and it's kind of hard for them to seem friendly to us. They should tell us a little about themselves and YCMaker and FP should post pictures of themselves, seeing as how they run the site and do SO MUCH (allegedly) for it.


Bans and Mod Actions:

No deleting threads, ever. Edit the content and lock if needed, but post count should be preserved and members should know of past events.

Deleting threads reduces post count for usually at least three members, and that's not cool. In addition, most threads that are deleted contain information of past events that members should be able to view at their leisure. Deleting threads is a sign of cowardice and fear.


Less random banning (bans without justification), Unban Silencer, Unban Draco, Krow, and Willieh

Members are constantly banned without good justification or reason, usually based on bias and personal grudges. This needs to stop and more professional standards need to be accepted. Also, the listed high contributors to the forum need to be unbanned due to lack of justification for their bans. "No Draco discussion ever" is a ridiculous rule. Draco

did not spam excessively, nor was he warned in advance about spamming, nor were his reps given “abusing” the system. This is, frankly, a bull move by the mods with grudges, as was the banning of Willieh and Krow.

“Kazemaru (God Kaze) says:

Well the mods were against you and insisted that for the better of the forum, you have to be made a scapegoat.” <- This is wrong.


Section Related:

No-count spam section, Media section (within Other), GFX Contests Section and GFX Resource Section (combined with Tutorials).

These sections would each bring about less spam and more organization.


Staff for new sections / Features management



VIP forum

5000 posts is quite a lot, and getting only an email for it isn't really that great. There are quite a few members on YCM that deserve higher recognition than just a usergroup for their post count. There should be a VIP forum made exclusively for moderators and Respected members chosen by moderators and peers. This also shouldn’t be limited to those with 5000 posts. This will allow a greater sense of competition to be formed, create a reward for being active other than "star" status, and overall make things a little more rewarding for our dedicated members. The current VIPs may vote to add one VIP per two weeks.


No post count for intros

The introductions section is full of spam. Nothing else needs to be said.


Only image credits in CC

Requiring credit for everything used in images outside of custom cards is blasphemy, it happens nowhere else and isn't needed. It is a given that all work is copyrighted by its creator.


Global Changes:

No sig character limit, but size limits enforced by mods.

Having a limit on the number of characters in a sig is just stupid. Image codes are usually ridiculously long, meaning other space that could be well-used is lost. Size should be restricted however. If a member's sig is too large, a mod can PM them. If they don't change it within 48 hours, the mod can warn them a given amount and remove the entire sig.


Higher post count to give reps, More reps per day

New members tend to give out spammy reps. Increasing the rep requirement to 500 posts should fix this. That being said, one should be able to give out more per day because the limit is raised.


New Skins

The plain old Yugioh one has gotten old. Either spice it up or add some more. There are tons out there, so there shouldn't be any excuses regarding this.


Card maker updates (dots, built in holos, better rarity clarity, ability to remember the upload links for saved cards)

This is pretty obvious. Members have requested it a lot. If YCMaker is working on this, then surely he can make an update thread.



YCM is required to comply with this as YCMaker lives in the USA and there are USA residents. This would also cut down on spam considerably.


Hiding card trade but making posts count again

Removing post count of older members is ridiculous. If you want to be done with it just set it to invisible and turn its count back on.


All links (age appropriate) allowed, but if it's too big and advertising a mod can PM you and tell you to tone it down.

It seems to us that all links have the same effect in sigs. The internal ads are usually worse than the external ones. All links should be allowed (age appropriate), but with the conditions that if a member's ad is not fitting, a mod can PM them. If they don't change it within 48 hours, the mod can warn them a given amount and remove link and all other content posted towards said link, unless the member has not been online within that time period.


10 word post minimum

Less spam and encourages more thought-out and contributing posts. Shouldn't apply to Games for obv. reasons.


One thread only for less significant and well known subjects, and seperate threads for things like Pokemon. (fewer pokepolls)

With stuff like Pokemon, there should be core discussion threads discussing / voting on important / common elements of the game, like "Favourite Pokemon", "What is your team?", etc. There should be a limit of 1 other topic per day, and a general discussion thread for things that do not deserve their own thread.




Now, members of these forums, if you are with us, simply post saying so and log out.


That’s all you need to do, log out.


When the conditions have been discussed and met, you will be notified.


Until then, consider this The Loudest Silence That You’ll Ever Hear.


Will you be part of it?


This is YCM history in the making. For every one of you who’s ever wanted to say that you were a part of something big and awesome on YCM, this is your chance.


Make your name known.


Previously Committed Supporters:

  1. Draco Straybyrn
  2. Frlf
  3. Cyber Altair
  4. Clariex
  5. Xemnas
  6. Almost_TotalObelisk
  7. FM6
  8. MCII-Totality
  9. .: [unown] Metallic:.
  10. Frunk
  11. Icyblue
  12. J-Max
  13. Pyro Knight
  14. Tea.Leaf
  15. Victory
  16. Danilus


In-Topic Supporters:

  1. ✗actor Designs



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As far as I know, You have suggested some "Great People" to moderate some sections. [*cough*megraphic*cough*] New Skins and the most needed, also the signature limit. I'm not sure about the V.I.P forum but I'll have a little thought about it. I agree with the rest. Random banns may be random but people who often spam like Krow[KA] or Willeh should have at least 2 week ban. Not a perm.[/align]

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