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My Brawl Cards (added what cards I've been making.)

Flame Dragon

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4 star 2000 vanilla attackers are overpowered' date=' we should not flood the game with them. There is one in actual yu-gi-oh but it's the only 4 star 2000 atk monster with some drawback attached to it. Drop the attack values to the 1900 atk range.




I know and you sould know that they will make more 2000 ATK normal monsters remmember back in the beginning they had no 1900 norms now they are every where, so I think its fine, plus I only have 2, one hear and one with my pokes


Unless you have proof, I still stand by my opinion that they are too strong for non tributes.



Their is no proof right now, but its safe to assume that more 2000 ATK normal monsters will be made, and as I all ready said look back at the past. When the game first begain their were no 1900 ATK monsters with out draw backs, but they did make 1 and now their are powerful effect monsters with 1900 ATK with no draw back and many normal monsters with 4 stars and 2000 ATK, so as I allready said its safe to assume that more 2000 ATK normal monsters will be made


I'm not obligated to prove anything in this case. You have to show me why making even more 4 star 2000 vanillas is not overpowered. Also that was a one time deal, they haven't made anything higher than that vanilla. Seriously, power jumping is no good for yu-gi-oh.


They haven't made anything because that was like 2 packs (4 counting Japanese) ago so their is still time for more to be made


Please you have the right to your oppion but end this


Just read this. It addresses you saying Mario is overpowered.


Please comment on the other 54 cards please

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Thanks, but the Final Smashes are monsters because they are upgades, so they are the monster jus are just stonger forms (take Fox and Landmaster). Fox upgades to Landmaster, turn ends Fox comes back. Hope you understand, but I think I know what you mean, but thats how I like it.


Keep the comments coming

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Could only make 1 card this week, it another final smash, this time we get.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Peach


Ignore the other 3.


Wow 5 FS in a mounth, I want more characters

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