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Welcome to the new shop on the block with the newest system!


Please have a read through and purchase your wish.


Systems here at our shop:


We have introduced a new way of shoppong on the forum. What happens is you choose your product, and pay. When you order this is how an order is constructed:


Order Reserved: (NAME OF PRODUCT HERE)

Description: (If Needed)



We then work on your product, and PM it to you. This helps stop spamming, lets you comfortably open your product within your own time.


We also do a full money back gurantee, only on selected items. (Banners, Fusions and Boosters) If you wish to return a product, please delete it from your signature, and ask for a return, including the name of the product and price.



Products and Prices:


Banners: For advertising your shop or anything funny. Please describe how you want it and we will try our best to deliver it with a 100% satisfaction gurantee. Price - 4 points or 1 reps


Boosters: If you have made a certain set, and want to put it in a cool booster pack, come here. Please decribe your product with your own picture and we will give our best. Price: 3 points or 1 rep


Fusion Pictures: These are a lovely display for your signature! A picture of a monster or two fused for one picture. Price - 5 points or 2 reps (As these are specially hard to make.)


Decklists: Every week, we post a two declists for you to copy with your own cards. Price - 2 points or 1 rep


Custom Cards: We create our own range of cards, or we make it how you want it. This special because we have 100% perfect writing and grammar, so you don't need to. We display 3 cards every week. Please describe how you would like your card and give us a picture if you would like. You can use these cards for competitions and others.

Price - 4 points or 1 rep.


The Deck Consultant: Need help with your deck? Look no further! I, myself am the Deck Consultant, here to help you with your deck and suggest which cards to buy to perfect it. Just PM me your declklist and I will PM you a perfected version of it! Price - ABSOLUTELY FREE!


Please make all payments to me. (Azmania2260)


Ok, that's all!


Have fun and enjoy the shop!

From Azmania2260 and sliferdude.

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[align=center]We need more examples and I have a suggestion:

The money back guarantee should only stand for 14 days or something because otherwise people will put there products into their signatures and when they don't want them in thier signatures anymore, they will ask for a refund.[/align]

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