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deck = 40


3 des koala

1 marshmallon

1 morphing jar



3 card of sanctity

2 chain energy

2 chain strike

3 metoer of destruction

3 poisen of the old man

1 scapegoat

3 treemendous fire

2 wave motian cannon



3 accumulated fortune

1 ceasefire

3 dimension wall

3 just deserts

1 magic cylender

1 mirror force

3 secret barel

1 torential tribute


woot for chainage

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Yo, Toni, DEFINITELY Ookazi instead of Meteor of Destruction. Hell, any other burn card!


The fact that Meteor cannot be activated when you are already destroying your opponent not only hurts it's own playability, but in Chain Burn, it hurts the playability of Chain Strike. It's not worth it, trust me on this one.

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