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Dragon Master Knight Synchro

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Monsters: (21)

2x King of the Swamp

3x Elemental Hero Prisma

2x Black Luster Soldier

1x Sangan

3x Mother Grizzly

1x Card Trooper

1x Dark Magician of Chaos

1x Cyber Dragon

3x Dark Resonator

3x Destiny Hero Malicious

1x Elemental Hero Stratos


Spells: (14)

1x Reasoning

1x Monster Reborn

3x Dragon's Mirror

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Swords of Revealing Light

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Destiny Draw

1x Brain Control

2x Instant Fusion


Traps: (5)

3x Solemn Judgment

1x Mirror Force

1x Ultimate Offering


Extra Deck:

3x Dragon Master Knight

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

2x Reaper on the Nightmare

Meh...more like a fun deck than a tournament deck. Seems like it could be better. Suggestions?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



'Twas obligatory, mes amis.


Anyway, where is Stratos?


-2 Pot of Avarice

-2 Hero Signal

-1 KotS

-1 BLS

-1 G-Sarc

+3 Destiny Hero - Malicious

+2 Destiny Draw

+1 Brain Control

+1 Elemental Hero Stratos

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

- smashing

- hero signal


+2 instant fusion

+3 Reaper on Nightmare

What's so great about Reaper on the Nightmare? Even when it can attack directly' date=' it can't if you Special Summon it with Instant Fusion.


You can replace it with Flame Swordsman or Ojama Knight and it wouldn't matter. It's just quick LV5 Synchro fodder.

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