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Neos World(Started, Chapter #1 Shadow's War)

The Dark Prince

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OoC: A Raven threw the Cuffs, and when Any members of the Yata get Injured anywhere, That person Disappears in a puff of Smoke and Reappears somewhere else


Yata: At least I Got Him


Yata Fires a White Ball of Energy from his Hand, Then it Hovered, Allowing Shadow and Yata to see what is happening to Rokujo, Then the White ball of energy disappates, and The Cuffs Fly Rokujo into Shadow's Castle Somewhere and Bind him into the Ground

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OoC: You Left the Portal Open, so Ravens were still Pouring out, and They are Fast, and sometimes invisible, Read the Description of a Yata Raven, and there was a Reason the Purple Flames Surrounded you in that Area, It typically indicates an Important item needs to Be Dismantled (This time it was a portal), Also, all of the Death Whisper Soldiers, except Ravens and Chaoses, have Stage 7 Death Whisper Psychic Powers, which can easily invoke Psychic Tracking on someone




???: Right Here


A Yata Moon Guard Had ahold of the Reinforced Cuffs containing Rokujo

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The Portal Disappates from the Grassland


Yata: I'll Take this one


Yata Opens a Portal and Goes inside, Taking Rokujo inside as well, It was almost a Metropolis


Yata: Okay Lets Talk, i have Problems with Shadow over here, He doesn't have any Kind of Friendship or Companionship with me, I have none with his Minions, and even if there is someone nearby, it is very lonely, even with Shadow, I feel... Hollow Inside


The Cuffs Break off, an Army Of Ravens Pass Yata and Rokujo


Yata: Nobody can Get in or out of here except the Yata and People that Are cuffed, which means Shadow cannot hear us, he cannot see us, or even know we are there Talking, I beg of you Rokujo, I want to Join the Night Riders, because I am Desperate to get rid of this Loneliness inside of me, My Minions cannot do that, My Current Boss, Shadow, cannot do that either, What Should I do?

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