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Pokeslob's Booster & Card Tavern [Grand Re-Opening on january 10th!]


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Language: JAP!

Logo Idea: Normal Jap logo

Name of Pack: Just the duellist Pack logo' date=' please

Pack Pic: Can you put a PLAIN green bg, with the pic you have of bakura?



sure I'll have it done soon, I'll pm you when its done



here you go!




Evil duck joe your order is done, pick which ever one you like best!

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dude if you don't like my stuff pm me about it quit spamming my shop,

the packs are exactly as the people wanted them, If it looks bad its there fault for asking for it



Darkis you are now officially banned form my shop, if you post here you will be negged

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2 starter decks and a boster please:

deck one:

Language: jap

Logo Idea: 5d's with dark purple aura around it and in scary font and in jap: Return of Darklight

Name of Deck:

Starter Deck


Cover Card: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y249/poison2000/Yubel-JP-Anime.jpg

Bigger Version of Card Art: (cant be inlarged any more)

Character on Deck: http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/4093/kanakaibarender1ty3.png


Deck 2:

Language: jap

Logo Idea: 5d's with dark purple aura around it and in scary font and in jap: Return of Darklight

Name of Deck:

Starter Deck

-ジェームスKaiba -暗闇-


Cover Card: http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/3923/holommvo7.jpg

Bigger Version of Card Art: (cant be inlarged any more)

Character on Deck: http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/6389/kanadarknessrendergu3.png


and the booster pack:

Language: jap

Logo Idea: 5d's with dark purple aura around it and in scary font and in jap: Return of Darklight

Name of Pack:

Duelist Pack


Pack Pic: http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/4093/kanakaibarender1ty3.png


please pm me when you read this thanks

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ok here it is:

1st Deck:





now about your second deck, the character pic you gave me won't seem to crop right

if you could give me the same image only with a white background, that would help a bunch :D

but heres what it looks like as of now:



whenever you send me that new image with the white background I'll also post your free stuff from our grand opening sale! ^^

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suprise me with my order.But I want a token & a deck


I can just give you any old deck and token?


no I'm kidding' date=' you don't have to be to specific but give me a theme your looking for


OK,make it a fiend deck and token


I'll see what I can do :D

I'm sorry about all the stuff I said.Am I still banned from this shop? If so*sighs* just neg me.


hey man its cool ^^

I will un-ban you, as long as you don't spam anymore

and you should also order somthing XD

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Ah thanks man! I'll have a japenese mangaof Naruto or yugioh please! I LOVE manga!


if you mean manga card?

how much attack and defense do you want them to have?

doesn't matter.Surprise me.


cool' date=' cool I'll get em done soon :D[hr']

Your Zombie stuff Maxscool








Manga Card:



and Token:


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