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Discussion -Rose Knight-

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Rose Knight

Dark / Warrior - Tuner / 3 / 1000 / 1000

While this card is face-up on on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select other face-up Plant-Type monster as the target of an attack. When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you can Special Summoned 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.



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A Marauding Captain that can be Allure'd, CCV'd, and can Special Summon any Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.


This is quite possibly the best Tuner monster ever made.

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A Marauding Captain that can be Allure'd' date=' CCV'd, and can Special Summon any Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.


This is quite possibly the best Tuner monster ever made.



sums up what i was going to write.


this and plaguespreader are the best... but they are played different ways.


this card is excellent..

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A Marauding Captain that can be Allure'd' date=' CCV'd, and can Special Summon any Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.


This is quite possibly the best Tuner monster ever made.



sums up what i was going to write.


this and plaguespreader are the best... but they are played different ways.


this card is excellent..


I want to add Reinforcement of the Army to what Star said. Also best tuner? I don't know. Like Kale said pleaguespreader is pretty strong too.


This makes me think konami only wants syncros to be possible by running dark type.

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A Marauding Captain that can be Allure'd' date=' CCV'd, and can Special Summon any Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.


This is quite possibly the best Tuner monster ever made.



sums up what i was going to write.


this and plaguespreader are the best... but they are played different ways.


this card is excellent..


I want to add Reinforcement of the Army to what Star said. Also best tuner? I don't know. Like Kale said pleaguespreader is pretty strong too.


This makes me think konami only wants syncros to be possible by running dark type.


aha! i missed that it was a warrior... i was assuming that it was a plant, because of its name and effect. but it being a warrior only makes it better...


RotA --> Summon --> Summon2 --> virtually any Synchro. ^_^


makes it a real nice friend to about any Synchro deck that only relies on Synchro Summoning. ;)

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