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Halo Red VS Blue Cards

The Hunter

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Alright i havn't posted any cards in a long time, but i'm back with cards about RED VS BLUE. now every halo fan SHOULD know about Red VS Blue, its the most hilarious thing, and i've made some cards to honour RVB. if i'm not mistaken i'm the first person to create RVB cards on here. W00T. my first cards, the Red Team...








More cards to come, please looks,enjoy,scroll down..and post and review.

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"The Warthog" seems like it would be quite over powered. Sarge seems kind of redundant "kill one face-up 'Grif' or any monster on the field." Might just want to say any monster on the field. The effect on Sarge does seem overpowered too, you should probably make it a "once per turn" effect. "Church" Reminds me alot of the revival Jam. To make it more fair you should make it so it can only be summoned to the field if it was destroyed on the field in battle. (or I suppose in battle and/or by a spell/trap/effect). Based on the stats of "Church" I think it would be fair that you could special summon him from the graveyard in either face-up attack or defense position. The effect of "Tex" should also be "once per turn" or it could get a bit over powered just like "Sarge".


The other cards are good, some of the pictures aren't the best but I know this is something it would be hard to get pictures for. Grammar is Pretty good. 7/10.

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