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Tell me your duel spirit(s) continued

Ranmer Aralin

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If you believe that you could be royalty or are rouyalty then you can have spirits that are gods and apparently from what I have heard from the world of duel spirits the spirits of Izinagi and Izinami belong to Japanese royalty recent or reincarnated but only one can have them so be absolutely sure before you write about gods or Izinagi and Izanami and tokens can be duel spirits too but anyone can have a spirit that is a token but apperently anything that is of myths of gods are for duelists of spiritual royalty themselves and those are one and only which is only gods. it has been always a part of history that gods and royalty go together.

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If any one wants to talk about their duel spirits in depth go right ahead I want to hear alot about your experiences with duel spirits. I can understand someone thinking that they have a god as a duel spirit because soem times if royalty does not duel the gods will use common people who have even the slightest connection to royalty of that country untill someone of that royalty starts having a connection with yugioh cards even if they do not play

Egyptian god cards - Egypt

Izanami and Izinagi- Japan

I havent heard of other legends in yugioh. Tsukiomi si the god of the moon but I believe that since the moon shines on everyone that this duel spirit is not a permanent spirit it goes from person to person he is known as a wandering spirit even though there is only one tsukiomi there are many wandering spirits which are gods bu they are usually minor gods not very powerful these spirits usually fade in and out and sometimes can tell stories of what other countries they have been to I have not met any wandering spirits yet If you do go ahead and tell your experience especially if it is tsukiyomi

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Hmmm...maybe one of these:

  • Silent magician LV 8 (is always in my thoughts and has saved my but)
  • Elemental Hero Steam Healer (Pulled one in a pack with a poly, a bubbleman and a burstinatrix and is the best E hero)
  • Gyzarus (I love Glads)
  • Arcana force XXI the world (love it and pulled it from a pack on my thirteenth birthday Oct. 4)

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