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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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A little kid finished drawing some stick figures, with unique designs.Some with ninja swords, some with Chef hats. When the boy came back from sharpening his pencil, they were gone. He drew some more. He looked away. When he looked back, they were gone! This process continued for a while. the sticks jumped off the paper every time the boy looked away. They just kept hiding under the table. But then the saw the Stick city the boy had drawn. There goal is to get to the city and live a stick life, not being forced to constantly stay in place. Little do they know living life will be hard, and there is a group called E.S.S., or Evil Stick society, that hate other sticks and will try to eliminate them. On top of all that, they have to remain hidden from human eyes.




[spoiler= Normal Stick (Live a Life) ] Name:





[spoiler= Kid Stick ] Gender:





[spoiler= Ninja Stick ] Name:


Ninja Costume:

Martial Art:






[spoiler= Stick Soilder (Protect Stick City from the E.S.S.) ] Name:







[spoiler= E.S.S. (The Protagonists) ] Name:








My Forms:

Name: Genral McStick

Look: Camo costume with brown mustache and 2 dots for eyes. He has brown hair and no hat.

Rank: Genral

Weapon: Machine Gun

Bio: He was drawn as a soilder and he took charge immediently. He's a real hothead. He he's a good leader, though. He doesn't know about the E.S.S. right now, so he feels like he has no purpose and is constantly burdened by his job.

Gender: Male

Type: Soilder


Name: Lord Stickness

Look: A giant stick with a black cape and a Skull Collar. No face and no hair. Pretty basic.

Gender: Male

Weapon: HE CAN SHOOT LIGHNING! He's also the commander of the E.S.S.

Rank: Leader

Bio: A stick who is mad for power and has all the characteristics of a movie villan, including stupidity. He formed the E.S.S. to take over Stick City and make the stickmen his personal slaves. He somehow thinks that after that, he can take over the world.

Type: E.S.S.


(This is the stick I control) Gender: Male

Look: A plain stick figure, except he has a face.

Name: Robbie

Bio: A honest, smart, and shy kid with a bit of a temper. Has trouble making friends.


Member Forms






Ninja Costume:Asasign's creed type but black

Martial Art:Karate


Bio:was an orphan since the great centry monk found him he is a elite ninja assasign






Name: levi lininberg

Look: long, black coat w/ buttons and a red inside

Gender: male

Weapon: torch

Rank: head of intellegince and fighter

Bio: a stickman that always wanted to have some sport job, until he found his natural pyro talents, and used them to his advantage






Ninja Costume:wolf skin

Martial Art:lava control

Home:none i dont want too

Bio:i kill people

Weapon:big giant blade





Name: He who is Silent

Gender: Male

Ninja costume: Think the look of Trueman's from the last season of GX, but withought the Card symbol and the lines are lime green, not orange.

Martial Art: Capoeria (the Brazilian Martial Art of Dance )

Home: Where ever there is justice

Bio: An assassin for the side of good, "Him," as he is more commonly known lost his voice from a throat slash during one of his assignments. This affected him so much that he gave up his ability to wield a sword, and pursued the masters of Capoeria for a less violent/equally efficent means of fighting. He never wanted to do to someone what one did to him.

Weapon: His body

Side: Good

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Name: He who is Silent

Gender: Male

Ninja costume: Think the look of Trueman's from the last season of GX, but withought the Card symbol and the lines are lime green, not orange.

Martial Art: Capoeria (the Brazilian Martial Art of Dance :D)

Home: Where ever there is justice

Bio: An assassin for the side of good, "Him," as he is more commonly known lost his voice from a throat slash during one of his assignments. This affected him so much that he gave up his ability to wield a sword, and pursued the masters of Capoeria for a less violent/equally efficent means of fighting. He never wanted to do to someone what one did to him.

Weapon: His body

Side: Good

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