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My contest(no more entries)


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Here's my opinion on all cards made so far....


Sword Master Yin-Fair, decent. Strong enough so that if this is first turn card that Cyber Dragon won't kill him. I see this as a monster destroyer, while other cards do the true damage to the opponent.


Sword Master Yang- The likelihood of this card getting destoyed by a card effect rather than an attack is good, but not great. The attack and defense are fair for a level four monster with an attack.


Sword Master Yin-Yang- I am seeing this guy as defending for a couple of turns, and then when it doesn't need to defend anymore, it can die, and two can take it's place. Not a favorite effect of mine, especially when the effect can only happen. Plus, card effects can destroy this before the effect can ever come into play.


Yin- Along with Yang, seems photoshopped, but nicely done anyway. Now, individually, it is a searcher and a burner. I don't think that it needs the "find a Yang monster effect" because it might not work well in a true Yin deck style, and especially when one of my cards is played, that effect will not help much. But, I didn't say to play around a true Yin deck or a true Yang deck, so it's not your fault. The burn aspect of this card can be really damaging, but I usually don't find many cards in my opponent's hand.


Yang- See above, except switch "Yang" with "Yin" and "burn" with "heal" Although I do try to keep a couple of cards in my hand to help along, so it might work better than it's Yin counterpart.


Yin-Yang- ~find's it odd that two men fuse to make a woman~ Anyway, I love the duo-attribute effect, and the combination of Yin's and Yang's effect helps, as it can create a huge gap between the players.


Yang Angel-Reaper of Spirits- It feels weak for a level 4, and it's dependency on another card to live kinda weakens it, also, read rule #2.


Yin Angel- Protector of Souls -Stronger than Yang Angel, but also depends on the other card as well. Although, this one is better as it has more advantages of the Yang counterpart. Also, read rule #2 for her as well.


Yin Yang Angel Time Traveler- ~wonders how two fairies make a fiend....~ anyway, at first, with 2000 attack, it seems weak for a level 8, but it is truly 3000 attack because of two cards in the graveyard are automatically in the graveyard.


Yin Warrior - Calas- Again, dependency on another card for an effect. For this effect, you need two other monsters to increase the attack by 600 up to 2000 attack. Not that good. Then, it goes to defense after using the effect. I think it is better to stick at the normal attack.


Yang Warrior - Saciel- I am liking the LIGHT-attribute monsters more than the DARK-attribute monsters here. Anyway, this depends on counterpart. But, Saciel is what makes this work. First, it summons a token. It saves Calas from one attack for every token on the field. Next, a token can be used for Calas's effect tribute. It's nice.


Yin-Yang Warrior Lassael- DAMAGING! If we have a full field, that means that your opponent either loses 2000 LP, or you gain 2000 LP, so either way, a 2000 LP will be added to the difference gap. Also, love the dual attribute effect.


Yin Tiger- Simple effect, normal attack/defense for a level 3. Look at rule #2


Yang Dragon- 600 seems a little too much to negate a spell. Maybe 500 is enough, and it's usability anytime works, but Smashing Ground owns this card, and uh, read rule #2 as well.


Yin Yang-Tiger and Dragon- While I can't give points for name originality, I can like the effect. 1000 LP to give 2600 LP to your opponent is a nice 1600 tradeoff, and then another 1000 to destroy a monster, meaning that you would still be ahead by at least 600 LP if the effect goes off well.


Yin, Ruler of Oblivion- 3 tribs seems too much for the effect it has. Penumbral Sword Lady has the same effect, although less attack and only one tribute. 800 attack bonus to a 3000 attack monster is not necessary with that high of an attack.


Yang, Enemy of Evil-2 trib for a flip monster? Eh.....let's just look at the effect. All monsters are switched to their weakest position is nice. Combine with Asura Priest, it can kill mostly everything that is usually played. The effect of surviving from magic/trap effect is a nice effect. Also, what the hell is Warmage?


Nerraosto- Yin-master of Carnage-Love the name, the effect is on the fence. Does this card really need an attack increase? It's already above 99% of the monsters. But the removal of a counter to deal 1000 damage is very nice.


Allera, Yang-Master of Guidance-Lovely name as well. However, the effect, meh, there are better cards that do the same. I'm not liking the wait for 5 turns just to draw an extra card, and then this strong monster cannot attack. As for the trib, I think that 1 trib is enough, and two are a little too much for a level 5 monster.


Mysticism of the Yin-Yang-The wording sounds so wrong and dirty.....:)

Anyway, this is unique, as it is the only Yin-Yang spell card so far. So, depending on the number of monsters in the graveyard, both effects are helping. You either draw 2 more cards, or inflict a 1/4 of your opponent's starting LP.


Last, but not least


Kitsune-I did say that entries were closed, but I did say before this was the last day, so I guess you can join. However, I need to discuss something..........


If Kitsune starts off with an set attack and defense, then don't state it in the effect, put it in the right spot. Also, the fusion requirements are stated before the effect. With a high as heaven attack, the gain 1000 attack is not needed, and ridiculous. The surviving attack will be pointless, as nothing can attack and destroy it, so it's second effect about adding the defense is not going to work out well. Lastly, if the effect is like Man-eater bug, state the effect, don't state which card the effect is like. I know you are a new to this, but you need to change this a lot.



Changes are due this Saturday. You can only change once per card, or instead of changing the card, you can create a new card to replace the one you already have. Finales will take place this Sunday. Good Luck!

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i will just revise one of my cards


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing 2 YANG-Monsters in your Graveyard from play. When a player draws a card place a Guidance Counter on this card. Remove 5 Guidance Counters from this card to draw 2 cards. You may skip your Draw Phase to search your deck for a card with Yang in its name and add it to your hand, if you do this card can not attack.



I kept the cost the same for the simple fact that the monsters are in the graveyard and it is a special summon and the effects are more than worth it. ( in my opinion you are the judge) I revised the draw potential to two cards not one, don’t forget you and your opponents draw will place a counter on the card. Even using its effect to draw a card will put one on it. Last I made the rearrange effect to a searching effect, so now you can get that Yang card that may be at the bottom of your deck instead of your normal draw

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