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Signature Tips and Tricks

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Hi people, welcome to my thread of signature tips and tricks. This thread will revue the 5 main points of signatures. Lighting, Flow, Depth, Focal, and Effect.


Lets start with Lighting:

Now as a GFXer myself, ive made some mistakes with lighting. and sometimes we get irritated onto were to place it. Well, irritation no more. Because just follow the following 2 tips, and you should be ready. Never cover the lighting. When i use gradiants sometimes, i do that. It can happen. TRY NOT TO ^^. and the next tip is place the lighting at an angle in which some of it reveals Detail in the signature. If your aiming for a dark signature, then use some or no lighting at all. But remember, lighting is a Main point of signature and it will usually make or break a signature. So make sure it makes it ^^.


Now We Move To Flow

Flow is like the whip cream on the sundae. You gotta have flow, or else your signature will most likely be a cluttered mess. Lets take 2 examples.






Depth is actually like lighting. It can make and brake a sig. Some sigs dont [align=center]need Depth. For Example,


http://i411.photobucket.com/albums/pp193/soifon_csg/Sigs/allyourtomorrowshinecopy.png' alt='allyourtomorrowshinecopy.png'>[/align]


That signature doesn't need depth. But other sigs do. It just depends how you create the signature. A little trick for death is, Make the illusion of an object behind and in front of the focal. If it dosnt work out, then you know you don't need depth. ^^


Focusing On Focal:



Effects Of A Master


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[align=center]Depth is not lightning............ Lightning is lightning.


Depth is "The Extent, measurement, or Dimension downward, backward, or inward."

When we think of depth, we think of an effect of a 3D image, where you can see a further background behind the front object you're looking at.



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You forgot some things


For lighting: You forgot to mention how to actually make lighting, and how to make sure it comes from the right direction

For flow: Forgot to point out how some don't actually need flow and how to properly create it

For depth: How to actually make depth and properly use it


Actually, all of these are pretty variable in their necessity depending on the styles used

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