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[{[{[~Lemo's (AWESOME) Pokesplice Shop!~]}]}]


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Whee, splices are 2 Points each, plus 1 more point for each additional Pokemon (Normal requests involve 2 Pokemon); here are all of the splices I made for a shop on another site...


Ugly.pngThis was a silly little one somebody gave me for a challenge... Hopefully none of the ones you guys will request will turn out like this... o.0



NOTE: No more than FOUR Pokemon in one splice can be requested.


Have fun requesting!

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Yeah, I forgot to mention, my payback/refund policy. If you are not satisfied with the product, or I don't manage to do it, I will send back all points paid to make that splice. Chaotix, your splices shouldn't be too hard; As for GC, I may only be able to do the last one... Most of the Pokemon in the first two don't have enough things to splice together. I'll give your others a shot, but if they turn out to be too hard or impossible, I'll send you back 7 points.

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Cool. Can't wait :)


Yeaaah' date=' I only got one of them finished today; My Internet connection got screwed up because of a storm and couldn't get the sprites for the second one. But anyway, without any further ado, I present to you:



Whats-his-face! (I don't like naming other peoples' sprites)

I wasn't too happy with how some of the recolouring turned out, but if you like it, that's fine. "The customer is always right."


And now, Dog-Kyogre!

Or whatever. 0.o


It follows the same base structure as the above splice; The 3rd-Generation Pokemon's body, the 4th's legs, and the 2nd's colours and tail.

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