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Extra Deck: 15


3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Red Dragon Archfiend

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

1x Magical Android


Monsters: 21


2x Dark Armed Dragon

2x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Destiny Hero - Malicious

1x Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1x Destiny Hero - Doom Lord

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

3x Krebons

2x Psychic Commander

2x Dark Grepher

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Sangan

1x D.D. Crow

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells: 15


3x Allure of Darkness

3x Destiny Draw

3x Emergency Teleport

2x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Brain Control


Traps: 6


1x Crush Card Virus

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Solemn Judgment

1x The Transmigration Prophecy


Side Deck: 15


2x Prime Material Dragon

1x D.D. Crow

2x Book of Moon

3x Enemy Controller

3x Threatening Roar

2x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

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Extra Deck: 15


3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Red Dragon Archfiend

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

1x Magical Android


Monsters: 23


2x Dark Armed Dragon

2x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Destiny Hero - Malicious

1x Fear Monger

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

3x Krebons

3x Psychic Commander

3x Dark Grepher

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Doom Lord

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Sangan

1x Crow


Spells: 14


3x Allure of Darkness

3x Destiny Draw

3x Emergency Teleport

2x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade


Traps: 5


1x Crush Card Virus

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Solemn Judgment


Side Deck: 15


2x Prime Material Dragon

1x D.D. Crow

2x Book of Moon

3x Enemy Controller

3x Threatening Roar

2x Evac Device

2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

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