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Anyone have a Destiny Hero Deck List I can follow?


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D-Hero Decks are very expensive. Destiny Draw and Destiny Hero - Malicious (some of the key cards) would set you back maybe a couple of hundred dollars.


Here's a sort of fun list you could build if you have the cards or can get the cards.


Extra Deck: 3


3x Destiny End Dragoon


Monsters: 18


3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Destiny Hero - Plasma

3x Destiny Hero - Dogma

3x Destiny Hero - Malicious

3x Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

1x Sangan

1x Treeborn Frog


Spells: 18


3x Destiny Draw

3x Trade-In

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Foolish Burial

2x Terraforming

3x Fusion Gate

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade


Traps: 4


3x Chain Material

1x Torrential Tribute


Caius is in here so the use of Malicious can be maximised as well as for eliminating huge threats is you dont pull out Destiny End Dragoon.


I threw in Chain Material and Fusion Gate so Destiny End Dragoon can become a real deadly card. Destiny End Dragoon's Fusion Materials (Plasma and Dogma) also become more useful with Destiny End Dragoon in here. Dont worry too much if Plasma and Dogma end up in your hand because Destiny Draw and Trade-In can get rid of them as well as give you 2 new cards.


With Foolish Burial, dump Treeborn if you have no set cards or dump Malicious if you have set cards and need a free tribute.


Allure of Darkness can also be included if you can get it. A set of Allure of Darkness is about as expensive as a set of Destiny Draw.

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Monsters: (19)

3x Plasma

2x Dreadmaster

3x Malicious

3x Dasher

3x Caius

2x Doom Lord

1x Stratos

1x Grepher


Spells: (16)

3x D-Draw

3x Trade-In

3x Allure

2x MSE

2x RotA

2x Fires of the Doomsday

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm


Traps: (5)

3x Solemn Judgment

1x TT

1x MF


Extra Deck: (15)

3x Destiny-End Dragoon

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Colossal Fighter

3x RDA


Thats a much cheaper versian of the last decklist I made for D-Hero. original didnt run Caius or Doom Lord, but I did run 2 Dark Armed, 2 PoC, and a Crush.

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