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My day at Regionals

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Yeah I went to the houston/katy TX regies today (3rd Coast Cards). My ending results were 3-2 (I left after that it got boring)




My Deck, Tele-Monarch Synchro VS n00b Eheroes deck


Duel 1 - I got the best opening hand I have ever gotten in any duel (I shuffled really well, and it was cut).

Opening Hand - Instant Fusion x2, Emergency Teleport x3 and my drawn card was Instant Fusion. I went first played nothing and ended. My opponent attacked with Burstinitrix, then ended. I drew smashing ground, activated smashing, then activated all other cards and summoned Stardust Dragon x2 and Red Dragon Archfiend x1 and attacked for game.


Duel 2 - Horrid hand, Kuraz x2, Raiza, Thestolos, limit reverse, and I drew allure. I went first set reverse to bluff and end. opponent summons Stratos and attacks, my turn. Draw Teleport activate it and SS krebons, sac it to summon Thesty he discards bladedge I attack stratos and end. He goes and sets a monster and 2 face downs. I draw and someone junk synchron, SS krebons, Synchro S Stardust and attack with stardust then junk synchron. he goes and sets another face-down, and ends. I draw and activate allure drawing card trooper, and monster reborn and dis'n the caius I drew in the draw phase. summoned trooper and tossed speed warrior, mirror, and torrential, and then activated monster reborn to get speed warrior, then Synchroed trooper, junk, and speed to summon red dragon, attacked and the nest turn I won.


Match 2 VS Twilight


Duel 1 - got DAD out on 2nd turn, JD slightly after so in short I got PWNed


Duel 2 - he sided into complete lightsworn, I got close to winning with the monarchs bringing the lifepoints to 1000(me) - 200(him) but he summoned JD and attacked my snipe hunter for game.


Match 3 VS Big City


Duel 1 - godlike hand, 2 tele's raiza, and a caius, so in short I won


Duel 2 - bad hand, good first draw, Goyo + Stardust FTW!!!


Match 4 VS SixSam Glad mix (n00by)


Duel 1 - I won, he had no monsters or any good spell/traps


Duel 2 - I had no monsters for 10 turns but I mirror'd, torrential'd, and more to stay alive eventually getting krebons + tele + monarch for game.


Match 5 VS Oppresion Ancient Gears (WTF?!?!?!)


Duel 1 - I didn't expect oppresion, I lost


Duel 2 - destroyed all oppresions, I won with Red Dragon, Stardust, and Colasal Warrior (SP?)


Duel 3 - he turbo'd me, pulled out future and overload I mirror'd chimertech, he later used 2 magical stone excavation to get them both back, I lost.




Gold Grandmaster for 2 Gyzaras

2 SixSam Hands for Ultra Stardust

Crystal Seer for Montage Dragon

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