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Card Name Chains

Von Csent

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I was bored one day and decided to see how long of a chain I could make by linking card names together. This is the longest I was ever able to string together:

Psychic Overload

Overload Fusion

Fusion Gate

Gate Guardian

Guardian of the Labyrinth

Labyrinth Wall

Wall Shadow

Shadow Ghoul

Ghoul with an Appetite


If you have other lengthy chains, or amendments to mine to make it longer, post here. The only rule: a card can only be used once in the chain. Other wise, one could make:

Ring of Destruction

Destruction Ring

Ring of Destruction

Destruction Ring . . . etc.


Have fun!

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Here is a 17-card chain. I used a few cards you used, but not too many.


Dark Magician of Chaos

Chaos Command Magician

Magician of Black Chaos

Chaos Burst

Burst Return

Return from the Different Dimension

Dimension Fusion

Fusion Gate

Gate Guardian

Guardian of the Labyrinth

Labyrinth Wall

Wall of Revealing Light

Light Spiral

Spiral Spear Strike

Strike Ninja

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

Sasuke Samurai

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Great modification! I added 9 more to the beginning.


Millennium Shield

Shield & Sword

Sword Hunter

Hunter Dragon

Dragon Zombie

Zombie Tiger

Tiger Axe

Axe of Despair

Despair from the Dark

Dark Magician of Chaos

Chaos Command Magician

Magician of Black Chaos

Chaos Burst

Burst Return

Return from the Different Dimension

Dimension Fusion

Fusion Gate

Gate Guardian

Guardian of the Labyrinth

Labyrinth Wall

Wall of Revealing Light

Light Spiral

Spiral Spear Strike

Strike Ninja

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

Sasuke Samurai

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Voncsent. I've seen you analyze my friends cards and I was wondering if you think mine need any changes. I can understand if you wish not to but i'd really appreciate it if you could. I only have one set so it shouldn't be difficult to find. Thanx:D.


P.S. If you do decide to look at them please don't make any remark on the pics unless you have a suggestion as to where to find better ones. I already know my pics aren't the best but I can't seem to find any that really fit my theme.

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