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Random Contest #1


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Ok, this is the first in many "Random Contests" that I will be posting weekly, or every other week if I don't have time. Now for the first "Random Contest"!


The Topic of the Day is: Werewolfs!


Now here is the goal:

  1. Create a 10 card set revolving around werewolfs
  2. It must have 5 Monster cards, and 5 S/T cards
  3. What I'm looking for mostly is quality, good grammar, and realistic effects
  4. Another thing, it must be support for a already existing werewolf card (Warwolf, Lycanthrope, etc.)
  5. Have fun!!!


Ok now those are the goals now here are how the points are going to be distributed:

  1. Place: 3 reps, 50 points
  2. Place: Choice of, 35 points or 2 reps.
  3. Place: 1 rep and 10 points


You will have 1 week starting today to get these cards completed. It will end next Tuesday at 7:00AM EST

Let the first of many "Random Contests" begin!!

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