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Kingdom Hearts Set ( 15 / ??? )


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Sora - If Kairi is face up on the field.. Sora gains 200 ATK points; as well if Kairi is attacked by a opponents monster. You can pay 600 Life points to change the attack to ether Sora and or Riku.


Donald - If 'Goofy - The Defender' Is on the field; Donald gains 300 ATK points. If he would be sent to the graveyard by battle. You can return one Magic card from your graveyard to your hand.


Goofy - If 'Donald - The Magician' is on the field.. Goofy gains 400 ATK points. By paying 1500 Life Points; Goofy can attack your opponent while he is in Defensive.


King Mickey - King Mickey can be equipped to 'Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and or Goofy' While on the field, King Mickey ATK raises x200 for each Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy on the field and or Graveyard. You can discard this card to the Graveyard if Ether one is attack. Negate the attack and switch the equipped monster to Defensive.


Kairi - While in Defensive; each time you draw a card you would gain 300 Life points. While Sora and or Riku or on the field, Kairi can only be destroyed by battle.


Riku - If Kairi is face up on the field.. Riku gains 200 ATK points; as well if Kairi is attacked by a opponents monster. You can pay 600 Life Points to change the Attack to ether Riku and or Sora.


Brave Form - This card can only by summoned by removing Sora and Goofy from play... By paying 500 Life points Sora - Brave can attack twice equal or lower then his own ATK. By the Third Stand Byphase.. Send Sora - Brave Form to your hand and return Sora and Goofy to the field.


Wisdom Form - This card can only by summoned by removing Sora and Donald from the field out of play. For each Magic card on the Field.. Sora - Wisdom Form; gains x100 ATK points. Decrease the ATK x100 to destroy one face up Trap card on the Field. (Max x3 per turn) By the Third Stand By Phase.. Send Sora - Wisdom Form to your hand and return Sora and Donald to the Field.


Master Form - This card can only by summoned by removing Sora, Donald, and Goofy from play. Paying 1000 Life Points this card can ATK twice lower then his own ATK. Attacking a face down defensive monster; Flip a coin: Heads - Destroy the monster / Tail: Continue through with the ATK. By the Fifth Sant By Phase Send Sora - Master Form to your hand and return Sora,Donald, and Goofy back to the field.


Final Form - This card can only by summoned by removing Sora, Donald, and Goofy from play. If this card is attack.. Your opponent picks up one card from his/ her deck. Call the card (Monster/Magic/ Trap) If you call it wrong the ATK goes through; If you call it right destroy the Attacking monster. By the Sixth Stand By Phase Send Sora - Final Form to your hand and return Sora,Donald, and Goofy back to the field.


Anti Form - This card can only be special summoned by Anti Hero.. A monster Attacked by this card looses 500 ATK points. And returns to your hand at the end of your turn and loose 1000 Life points.


Anti Hero - This card can only special summon Sora - Anti Form when another Drive form is attack. Send that Drive Form back to your hand to Special Summon Sora - Anti Form from your hand and or deck.


Save The King - This card can only be equipped to 'Goofy - The Defender' Increase his Defensive by 400 and ATK by 300. If King Mickey is on the Field at the same time, and Attacked by your opponents monster. You can pay 600 Life Points to switch the Attack to 'Goofy - The Defender'


Save The Queen - This card can only be equipped to 'Donald - The Magician' Increase his Defensive by 300 and ATK by 400. If King Mickey is on the Field at the same time, and Attacked by your opponents monster. You can pay 600 Life Points to switch the Attack to 'Donald - The Magician'


(( Pictures don't belong to me.. I apologize for not having the correct link's to the actual Artist's ))

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